Avast 2014 - WebShield, Bug, broken Streamscanning, others

Hi There

First of all, i’m was a happy Avast FREE User over Years until the Release 2014!
Since the new “bling bling” Version, this great & free AV-Software suffers on some bugs! I’m sure there a lot of other Bugreports.

1) broken Stream-Scanning / trouble with FLASH

WebShield doesnt work properly on many Websites, e.g. Youtube, Soundcloud, or any other STREAMING Socialmedia.

Websites presenting themselves like this:





even Avast Forums


We all know the “workaround” to fix this in the programm versions 2014.9.0.2008 - .2013, by adding the following lines into the WebShield.ini [C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast.]

[General] UseStreamFilter=0

SINCE the latest Betas and the latest Final 2014.9.0.2016 this workaround doesn’t work anymore. the Streams won’t start, the webpages won’t load. After hitting f5 (reloading webpage) we see the webpage, and with some luck the stream starts… BUT dont try a skip - the stream will broke up again!

2 - WebShield - Stops all traffic, disable Webshield and re-enable it

Since the Updates to 2014.9.0.2016 - even after a rollback to .2013 the Webshield “crashes” sometimes. I couldnt recognize the reason, but i’m pretty sure, WebShield have actually problems with to many incomming Connctions. Why? I got this WebShield crash only when i’m having heavy Bandwith load and many open Tabs in the Webbrowser.

3 - So what have i done to get this fixed?

my System:
Hardware: yes
OS: Win7 x64, Avast Free, [Comodo Firewall, v6 / v7]
Webbrowsers: Maxthon, Chrome, IE, FF

I’ve done any of your “regular fixes” => Repair of all installed Versions of Avast [.2013, .2015, .2016], made an uninstall + AvastCleaner + Registry Clean => with running Comodo v6 and even the new v7.
Yesterday i uninstalled Comodo Firewall, Avast, made a AvastClean und reinstalled - the WebShield is still buggy.

Now i’m running v. 2013 with the workaround and waiting for a new release that brings us some fixes :wink:


Have you tried to disable the “avast online security” in your browsers? The AOS seems to give some users issues.

edit: additional

Some users have the same trouble with web-shield, described here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=148319.0
Didn’t get any answer form avast! team yet.