Avast 4.6-744 trouble SMTPconnections?

Just found out in cooperation with ISP that a recent Avast programm updates troubles SMTP connection when sending attachments.

Perhaps there are more ‘victims’ of this latest programm update?

I temporarely solved the issue: Adjust the protection at the point Internet Mail: Check out the box at scanning outgoing mail.

But of course I hope this issue is really solved in a upcoming update! :slight_smile:

I won’t call bug, problem or victims…
In fact, there should be other things to analyse. For instance, which is your email program, which size of attached files are trying to send…?
Maybe the timeouts could solve.
Here you can see more about timeouts into Internet Mail provider and your email account: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=11380.msg96646#msg96646

What I want to tell is that this feature seems to be working to me and, maybe, it won’t have to be ‘solved’ in the next version…