I’m new to Avast as of yesterday, and I’m trying to get everything configured properly. So far I have everything pretty well done exept email.
I have windows 98SE, Avast 4.6, and Thunderbird 1.06 as my default email client.
I have high speed internet cable, and am also running McAfee firewall 4.02. I uninstalled Mcafee VirusScan 7.03 and replaced it with Avast 4.6.
I have stopped the providers for Outlook/Exchange, since I don’t use those programs, and have the Internet Mail on. Now I need to “manually” configure it according to the posts I’ve read.
Thought I’d list my OS, and firewall, so I can get instructions as to how to mayber tweak them in the meantime.
Any and all help is appreciated!
I ran the mail wizard; set up manually, and after reading other posts, customized the internet mail provider; sent myself an email, and Yes Virginia, it worked!!
I’m soooooo happy now!!
Thank God for forums!!
Thanks for your help and I’m sure. . .
“I’ll Be Back”