I have such problem:
my computer occasionally freezes, I think it is because of avast, but I am not sure. I use Zone Alarm free firewall. I do not use any other antivirus or firewall software.
My Windows OS has SP2 and all critical updates installed.
Last time it has frozen i waited for 10 minutes but nothing happened. When it stops nothing works, mouse and keyboard too.
I thank you for your help - Tomek
What were you doing when it froze?
Do you have any other anti-virus installed, if so what?
Did you have any other anti-virus installed, if so what and how did you get rid of it?
David, thank you for your reply.
I have recently reinstalled the Windows, I have installed Avast only as an antivirus and Zone Alarm for firewall work.
Last time the computer froze was when the Skype was logging me in and downloading my contacts.
Another time was when I was checking my e-mail under Thunderbird.
I think I have recently have intrusion on my PC and I thought that this freezing was because of this, but after re-installation it has frozen again.
I am not sure if Avast is the key to this problem, but if you could somehow help me I will be gratefull.
Make sure it is not overheating that causes this.
Clean ALL fans/heatsinks
Eddy, thank you for reply.
I think it is not overheating.
Maximum temperature that I noted was 55 C, but normally it is about 48 C.
If you think Avast is causing this, disable the providers one at a time and use the system to see if it still freezes.
Since you reinstalled XP, make sure you have installed the motherboard drivers as well as device drivers. Check if there is an error in device manager.
I have exactly the same problem with my girlfriends computer, it also freezes occasionally and I am almost sure it started after I installed avast.
The problem is that is hard to track because the freezes happens not very often, maybe once a week or so.
All drivers is updated, BIOS also.
Any suggestions?
Did she use Norton before in this computer? Any other antivirus before avast?
Are you talking about a freeze or a blue-death-screen?
Yes, she used Norton before but it is uninstalled.
And the computer just freezes (no blue screen).
Is it Norton that cause the problem?
Hi not butting in on tech, and I am sorry if I have but yes norton could be causing the trouble?
Make sure all traces of nortons and files/folders with this name symantic should also be removed.
If you go to Start/ search/files/folders and then type it in any you find, right click and then delete any found.
If there is anything else I have forgotten someone else will no doubt add to it.
Thanks for the tips but it didn’t help. I removed everything I could find namned norton and symantec but the problem persists. Every 2-3 days the computer just freezes and have to be rebooted.
Any more tips? Tech?
Please take a look here: http://spyros.atspace.com/uninstall.html
About removing, do you mean files, folders or Registry keys?
Did you use the standalone removal tool from Symantec?
The origin of the freezing is not easy to discover… maybe you have to follow the Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del) and see if anything strange start using more CPU and virtual memory (RAM) than it should :
Thnaks for the tips! I shall test the removal tool now.