Avast 4.8 and Outlook Express 6 - do not see it scaning incoming emails

I installed Avast 4.8.1201 in June and I have WinXP sp2 and use Outlook Express 6 for my email and it interfaces to att.net for my ISP mail service.

When I open outlook express and I have avast “on-access scanner” open I do not see anything in the “internet Mail” or “Outlook/Exchange” box choices that indicated it has scanned any of my emails that just came in. MS/Outlook indicates “waiting for provider to start”.

There isn’t any “Mail Protection Wizard” as per the “help” files information – so how do I know that it is scanning my incoming emails – also I do not get an extra icon on the task bar indicating anything is going on either ?

Am I missing something or Avast 4.8 does not support “outlook express 6” with SMTP/POP3 ports that ISP mail provider att.net uses ?


With XP the Wizard is not used (it is only for the older Windows operating systems 95, 98, Me).

avast can only scan email that is delivered via a non-secured connection - so it scans automatically using the Internet Mail provider ports 110 (for POP) port 25 (for SMTP) and port 143 (for IMAP). If your mail account is using secured ports to receive and send your mail the mail cannot be scanned by avast.

The Outlook/Exchange provider is for use with Microsoft Outlook only and there is no use in running that provider if you use Outlook Express.

It is possible to get mail delivered via secure connections scanned by avast but to do so you need to use a free third party program called STunnel to manage the secure connections. If you wish to find more details on STunnel please use the forum search option.

I believe I read that AT&T use SSL secure encrypted email ?

Without giving any user name and password what are your Server tab settings and Port numbers Advanced tab settings in Tools, Accounts,

Ports: SMTP = 465 and POP3 = 995

Server tab:
POP3: ipostoffice.worldnet.att.net
SMTP: imailhost.worldnet.att.net

Box checked - server requires authentification

Also this is servicing 3 email accounts – different userid/pwds of course


That is why your email isn’t being scanned as a) as Alan mentioned it only monitors the standard pop3 and smtp protocol ports, b) because those ports are SSL encrypted ports avats can’t scan it that is the whole point of SSL.

So should you wish avast to scan your email you will have to use the program Alan mentions STunnel to act as an intermediary so avast can scan the content.