Avast 4.8 for Windows XP doesn't update.

Updating using the program says “package is broken.” Updating using the latest vpsupd file gives the error shown in the attached jpg file.

Version 4.8 is now very out of date, and no longer supported.
Provided you are using a suitable OS (XP or higher) go to http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download and download the latest version. Save the installer file to your desktop.
Download the uninstaller here http://files.avast.com/files/eng/aswclear.exe (direct download) and save it to your desktop.

  • Go offline.
  • Uninstall Avast via the control panel.
  • Reboot
  • Run the uninstall utility. Reboot.
  • Run the new setup file. Reboot.
  • Go online again.

You should now have a new, functioning version of Avast.

I am getting the same “broken package” error on three machines and have come here for the first time in many months to check why.

I purchased a valid three year licence for V4.8 for three business-use XP machines in January 2010 which has nearly two years to run. How can V4.8 be “unsupported” when I have paid for support.

I have not installed a later version because I assumed my licence key was not valid for newer major versions.

Is my licence key valid on V5 or V6? If ‘yes’, why does V4.8 program update not automatically advise of update to V5 / V6 when available!

Jim Evans
Eclectic Solutions Ltd,
Chelford, Cheshire, UK

Except that it is since I was able to download the latest 400.vps file for it, after I had downloaded the failed vpsupd4.exe file. It is also the latest version available for linux, which I also use Avast for. Now, can you please tell me why the regular update isn’t working and how to fix it?

I am getting the same "broken package" error

The broken package error on update 110511-01 is no longer happening - I assume the package has been fixed.

The question remains: does my 4.8 Professional Licence Key work with later major versions in which case I will upgrade. Otherwise I expect 4.8 to be supported until the paid for licences expire.

Jim Evans
Eclectic Solutions Ltd
Chelford Cheshire UK

It will work. Your licence is valid for three years. Unlike many other Avast also includes major updates.
You should be able to update via the Avast GUI or you can uninstall the old version and download the installer for new versions and reinstall (which I would clearly prefer).
When installing new you do need the email account that you used to register the paid version, since the type of registering / licensing has changed.
Click here: CLICK! to have your licence resend to your original email-address.

It will work. Your licence is valid for three years. Unlike many other Avast also includes major updates.

That is good news and thankyou, Steven, for the quick response. I will upgrade all my systems!

Jim Evans

Hello all,

I am still getting the “broken package” error when I try to update the virus definitions (vps-11051101.vpu), even though eclectic-sol reported that it is fine now. Does it take some time for all the servers to get the fixed version of the definition files?

I am running Avast 4.8 Pro (on a desktop and a notebook) and Avast 4.8 Server (on a Win2000 server) and the error appears on all three machines. Avast 4.8 on the notebook was installed freshly today, but because of the error it can’t install the virus definition updates.

Is there anything else that I can try?

Thanks in advance,


VPS Update downloads: CLICK!

Hello Zyndstoff,

thanks for the link, but I tried this already:
I get the error message shown in the attached picture (also with a newly downloaded vpsupd4.exe)

Thanks, Andreas

I have the same problem on multiple computers. I opened a support ticket yesterday. The response I received did not address the problem, just (unhelpfully) suggested using a newer version.

Isn’t it ST:0x2000001D ?
Edited: David deleted his own post.

I seem to have this broken package problem with 4.8 (but using 98SE, so I have to stick with 4.8 which has been brilliant up to now). Automatic updates since 10 May have failed. Manual attempts then fail because they think there is no need to update, since the new update is downloaded somewhere even if not installed. I went back to a clone from 22 April. Update still failed, now leaving the vps at 22 April. In other words updates from 22 April to 10 May worked at the time but now no update works. Has there been a change which means 4.8 will now never be usable, or usable only under XP, or is there an Avast problem which will be fixed?

Please, upload (attach) the avast log:
C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\Setup.log
or C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\setup.log

If the file is too big for the forum, post the last 400-500 lines of it.

try to update VPS, which was just released – 110512-0.


I previously reported that the problem was fixed and upgraded to V6 Pro on two machines. It was not, but I think it is fixed with VPS 20110512-0.

I also have a net-book that I only occasionally use, with V4.8, last updated on 20110425. So I tried to update it using the manual update on the context menu (right click on the A icon in the notification area).

Choosing iAVS update downloaded 3.228MBytes of VPS files since 20110425. The install program ran and the status message at the end was “broken package”. “About Avast” showed the VPS version still as 20110425. I tried to run iAVS again. Nothing was downloaded saying the system was uptodate. The status window showed the version as 20110511-1 (which is why I thought the problem had been fixed on the other two machines) but “About Avast” still showed 20110425.

I ran Program Update from the context menu. Some files were downloaded and installed. When the install completed a further VPS had been added - Compilation Date 12/05/2011 and file version 20110512-0. This was shown in both the status windows and in “About Avast”. I believe therefore that this method of doing both iAVS and Program Update may have bypassed or fixed the “broken package” problem and record this in case it is of use to others.

As I find my licence key does work on V6, I am installing that on my three machines.

Yes because it was wrong ;D

vps 110512-0 just downloaded, saved and installed perfectly. Hopefully the problem is sorted, but it is good to know this forum is here if not.

98seavastuser, feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)

If anyone’s still interested, avast!4.8 updated successfully today.