I have Avast Standard Scan executing with Archived files selected that will go to a certain (and different) point each time and then looks as if it is busy scanning, but hangs on a file and will never complete. I have to shut down Avast and then eventually restart PC due to Avast not responding. I have tried the repair function, I have used the uninstall tool and reinstalled, and the same problem occurs each time. Any help? I have 4 PCs with Avast. 2 will work the scan just fine, and two will exhibit the same problem. One is a Vista, and one is an XP machine. Thanks in advance. I’d like to get this resolved.
Hi Dreammachine,
Where is the exactly PC have a trouble?
Is it with Vista or Xp OS?
When you running your OS with open some application, whether your PC become slowdown?
What were the AV’s installed on the affected machines prior to Avast?
What other security software is running/installed (on both.)?
I have had problems on one of my XP Home machines and also on one of my Windows Vista machines. I have also had success on another XP and another Vista machine in the home. A long time ago they had Norton AV installed, but that program is is long gone. The Firewall I am using is the latest version of Comodo Internet Security. Any other ideas? P.S. I did run a boot time scan on my XP machine and it completed successfully, finding one Trojan virus and then a handful of corrupted OLE or CAB archive files (not sure what this is)
Collection of Uninstallers / Removal Tools for All Popular Anti-Virus Software.
Removal Instructions for Antivirus Programs:
Uninstall Norton: http://www.pchell.com/virus/uninstallnorton.shtml
I used this Norton removal tool on our 4 of my PCs a couple years ago to wipe out NAV. 2 of my PCs do not have an Avast problem and two of my PCs do not. They are all loaded with about the same stuff on them program wise. I ran the Avast Standard Scan on both of them in Safe mode, and they completed just fine. Go figure. Any other ideas?