avast! 4 and PC Telephone

I use Windows XP prof which incluides also a PS Telephone. Until yesterday I used ANtiVir XP but now I can not call anybody on PC Telephone (PC toPC) My firends can call me, and we have a good connection, but I can not call them, I think it must be a bareer, which must be opened, but I don’t know how, Please help me - I am only a user, so please make a step by step introduction

What do you use now? Still Antivir or Avast the easiest thing was to uninstall Avast againto see if it work again.

Also was nutzt du zur Zeit? Antivir oder Aast? Vieleicht waer es interessant erst ein mal die AV-Software zu deinstallieren, um zu sehen, ob dann wieder alles funktioniert.
Welches Betriebsystem nutzt du? Vieleicht reicht es auch einfach die Avast Dateien, die beim start ausgefuehrt werden zu deaktivieren. Das ist sehr schoen mit MSconfig zu machen. Einfach alle Eintraege die zu alwill oder avast gehoeren zu deaktivieren. Das laesst sich auch sehr leicht rueckgaengig machen.

Please, raman, can you speak english here only? If you wish to write something to some another forum user in your native language, you can send him personal message.

Thanx a lot for honouring our basic forum rules. :wink:

Well, since my mother language is Dutch (Flemisch) i can read German without problems, as whe do have a lot of similar words. > But i do prefer Englisch, as I did studied this for a long time. But 80 % of the Anti-Vir PE users are German…so i guess this is why our friend Raman, used German.

Keep up the good work mate !
