Hi. I have Vista Home premium and IE8. When I tried to open Avast, which has been functioning very well for nearly 2 years, it would not open. The memory test ran and then nothing. Cancelling the memory test simply produced the nothing more quickly.
I updated Vista via the control panel programmes and Windows security reports that Vista is up to date and running. Anyone help. Vista is on auto updates as was Vista.
Don’t know if this is correct but I am replying to myself. Reinstalled and now working perfectly. Sorry to take up space.
No problem the main thing is that it is working.
Weird to have this happen after two years as it is usually an indication of another AV or remnants on your system. Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow. This may have worked before doing the reinstall.
When this started happening, was there anything obvious that changed on your system, windows update, addition or update of security software ?
Hello David R
I ran a virus check about 3 weeks ago and vista has updated several times since then. What I did notice, however, was that the usual vocal announcement that Avast had been updated seemed to cease about 2 days before the problem appeared following update KB955430. I tried repair but that did not work.
Would not life be easy if everything worked properly all of the time (but boring perhaps!!!)
Thanks for the reply.
No problem, welcome to the forums.