Avast!4 no sounds

Hi, :slight_smile:
After deinstalling and the renewed installation Avast4 Home Edition were killed souns of the programme.
Please for the announcement of what act refers given sounds >hover,possible,vpsupd,press,ready,suspic,virfound.
What can be with the reason the unresponsiveness of a sound in this programme ( the sound is not switched turned off in optiond )?
Or give the scheme of a sound Avast4 HE.

I greet all
Marek from Poland

Please use the advice given in http://www.avast.com/forum/index.php?board=1;action=display;threadid=417;start=0 .


I am sorry,but your answer not settle the problem.Why that is so? Besides,I asked for the schema of a sound Avast 4 HE. Manual I will place the voice Avast.
If have to buy Avast!4 Professional,this laboratory ALWIL must examine the problem of the lack of sounds Avast!4 HE/Pro In WinXP.

Additionally,I attendthat the speed and the rightness of given advices gives reasons the customer to the purchase of the programme,Till now I did not receive the resolvent advice my problem. :frowning:
Avast!4.0 HE/PRO As as good as gold and the effective programme - is half - baked to standard Microsoft Windows XP HE/Pro.

Thank you too of any kind help.I have not questions and I do not wait answers.The problem is surely complicated for Moderator/ALWIL. :-\

Czesc przyjacielu,

cool down a bit and:

  1. Enter Control Panel/Sounds. There should be events under ‘avast! antivirus’. Are they there? Are the paths correct? Does the sound play when you press the play button?

  2. Try to rephrase your question carefully. You may also enter bilingual message (english+polish) if you’re not sure.

Czesc przyjacielu,
Ustawilem juz wszystkie parametry glosu Avast!
Jest dobrze. Ale do tego musialem dojsc sam.
Jednak uwazam,ze Avast! ma usterke pod WinXP.
Avast! obecnie nie aktualizuje sie sam,musze to robic recznie,pomimo wlaczonej opcji automatic.

Wasz program reklamuje jako bardzo dobry na polskim forum CentrumXP.Zapraszam.



Installation program does it automatically. At least on most systems.

Jednak uwazam,ze Avast! ma usterke pod WinXP.
This sentence is beyond my knowledge of polish 8)
Avast! obecnie nie aktualizuje sie sam,musze to robic recznie,pomimo wlaczonej opcji automatic.

You firewall doesn’t let the pings thru. This is a common problem, search the forum for the solution.


Pozdrawiam. :slight_smile:

There is already OK!
I like av Avast ;D