I just installed the Avast! 4 Home Edition and Windows is telling me that the program is out of date? Help!
Can you please provide us with some more info?
For exampel which version of avast! did you installed? (the current version is 4.6.691)
Did you updated the VPS file? (the latest VPS version is 0542-1) (you need internet for this)
Avast has a rull few parts that can be updated:
- Program itself
- VirusDataBase
You can to manual or set to automatical updtae in the avast settings.
- Right click on avast icon in the tray → chose “Updating” ->> now you can see few menu
1.1 Program Update
1.2 iAVS Update
Chose first “Program Update” after update is completed chose “iAVS Update”
Reboot Computer if avast asking, in order to complete update.
Check your system date and ensure it is correct, especially the month and year.
I think everything is ok now…both the Program and iAVS appear to be current. Thank you!
What did you do to resolve the problem, it may help others?
iAVS VPS update is perfomed automatically during ‘Program Update’.