Please help! I purchased the program, downloaded it and then double-clicked to install…but there is no prompt to restart the computer and no a-ball icon, etc… I need to install this right away and need help! Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks…
Did you get any errors during installation ?
Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
Is the urgency of “I need to install this right away” because your system is already infected (as that could be blocking the installation) ?
Thanks so much for your reply! I had no errors when downloading and attempting to install… Someone installed the prior program for me, but I have not uninstalled it…am I supposed to uninstall the old one? Also, my computer is not infected - just want to install it right away… Thanks!
No problem, glad I could help.
Yes you should uninstall a current AV before installing a new one - having two resident scanners installed is not recommended as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.
You didn’t say what the previous AV was ?
Some are real pigs to remove fully and for those we have some links that might help clean up.
Welcome to the forums.
The current one that I have doesn’t expire until June 13 or so. Should I just let it expire, then try and install the new one? That might be easier…(?)
You still haven’t said what it is ?
What ever you do kept the existing one (it might not be as good as avast, you haven’t said), then you have to clean up what effectively was a failed installation of avast.
If you elect to keep avast you are going to have to get rid of the existing one and then check if that allows avast to run. Because of the installation whilst another AV was installed there may have been some elements that have failed to install, so you may have to reinstall avast too.
So whatever your choice you have some work to do.
The one thing I wouldn’t be doing is keeping an AV just because it has a little over 3 weeks left on the subscription.