avast! 4 Professional Edition

I have avast! 4 Professional Edition and I am trying n entering the following web site http://www.designpandorabox.eu/ but it does not let me.
I have put the link in exception but still have problem.
Coucl you help me?

Hi mkli!

Please change your link from your post via the “Modify” button - instead of “http://” use “hxxp://”

Avast reports an infection on this site… I don’t know if it is a real infection or a false positive but I would be carefull!

Did you use this site before? What should be on this site?


In my browser should I do this change or in avast?

The change I told you is just related to your first post in this forum/topic…
Click the Modify button and change the link you posted - it should not be clickable…
(see picture 1)

According to the not accessible site I can’t help you as there seems to be an infection…
If it is a false positive this should be solved soon.
You can report it as false positive via clicking the “Report as false positive”.
(see picture 2)

If you want to access this site in the meantime, although its most probably infected! you will have to switch off avast.

Infected, script located just after closing tag as shown in attached image. Please contact webmaster/owner to fix it.


jsejtko nice one :slight_smile:

I have deleted the java script that was on the home page of this link http://www.designpandorabox.eu/ but whenever I am trying to enter it takes ages and there is a warning from avast.
Could you help me?