Avast 5.0.545: unable to send mail from smtp.gmail.com

I had no problems with mail till the latest version of Avast. What should I do?

When I try to send a letter (I’m using Thunderbird 3.0.4) from any of my Gmail accounts, I get a notice that Thunderbird is unable to connect with smtp.gmail.com through STARTTLS. When I stop the mail provider in Avast, everything works.

meaning again (like a few other posters who reported the same “non-issue”), that you didn’t set Thunderbird to work with the mail shield, and you mails were never scanned. If it works when the mail shield is off, it means that you’re using ssl settings in Thunderbird ::slight_smile: The mail shield shouldn’t block the connections though, just send you a message that an ssl account was detected and that mails can’t be scanned. This detection setting can be turned off, if you don’t want to use the mail shield.
So there might be a bug indeed, i.e. there shouldn’t be any interference with Thunderbird if the mail shield usable ports are ignored, but since you didn’t set Thunderbird properly, you could just as well deactivate the mail shield.
What’s possible is that even though you didn’t set Thb properly (to communicate with Avast proxy), the mail proxy still sets ssl accounts entries for Gmail, leading to conflicts when connecting. If that’s the case that’s a bug.

I have been using Thunderbird for years. It had no conflicts with Avast 4.8 and Avast 5 till version 507. Everything had been working OK untill I updated Avast to version 545.

I changed nothing in TB and you can see my mail settings for smtp.gmail.com - I haven’t SSL, only STARTTLS.


And these are my settings (automatically formed) in Avast’s mail provider:


you’ve used thb for a while and you never had your mails scanned by avast :wink: remove TLS and put “none” instead. For POP, put 143 110 (in Thunderbird),and security set to “none”. Leave your avast settings that way.

ps: + Avast 4.8 didn’t have any ssl proxy, there was another procedure and I don’t think you know about it (no offense intended).

edit: I notice that your username isn’t a Gmail username. Could be that your ISP is using Gmail…normally the @gmail.com shouldn’t be inserted (in the username line), but in your case the @…must remain because Gmail servers won’t be able to guess the psg-one.org

I must:

  1. Change TLS for smtp.gmail.com to None in Avast
  2. Put port 143 for POP3 in all my gmail accounts in TB

Do I understand you right?

edit: I notice that your username isn't a Gmail username. Could be that your ISP is using Gmail...normally the @gmail.com shouldn't be inserted (in the username line), but in your case the @...must remain because Gmail servers won't be able to guess the psg-one.org
I administrate the site of my school (www.psg-one.org) and I made for the site two mail boxes in gmail. I have one more gmail account (gyves111000@gmail.com) but I can't send mail from it either.

no ;D >>> change TLS to none in Thunderbird

again: in thunderbird, put smtp to 587 and security to none
pop to 110 and security to none (sorry I said 143 that’s not for POP)

and in Avast: DO NOTHING!!!

I changed security to None in smtp; port 587 - I have already had it. Now I can send letters.

But why I must change settings for POP?

okay, change it for pop too, otherwise you will receive mails but they won’t be scanned
(that’s still more important than smtp because I suppose you don’t send viruses, but you may get some ;D )

So I changed gmail POP settings too. But how I can be sure that now I can receive mail?

send a mail to yourself

I sent two letters: the first from one my gmail account to another my gmail account, and the second from my mail.ru account (POP 110, security - none; SMTP - 25, security - none) to the same gmail account.

I got the both letters but there is one difference in them. The letter from mail.ru hasn’t the notice that it is clean and the letter from gmail has. In my Avast settings I marked to insert such notice both in incoming and outcoming mail. Is there something wrong with my mail.ru account?

don’t know about yours but in my country they usually say thanks ::slight_smile:
…see message source of the ru mails, and look for anything about outbound/inbound and avast…the fact that you don’t get the inserted note doesn’t mean that it wasn’t scanned. You can check the mail shield traffic too in avast UI…

Sorry for my impoliteness. Thank you very much for your help. The only excuse I can think is that I have some issues with my web-site and I am dealing with two problems at once.

ok np :wink:


Please read the post that I just sent, explaining that it seems that any software trying to connect to port 587 is actually connecting to port 25 if Avast 5.0.545 is running, even if it seems displayed otherwise.


nope, not here ::slight_smile:

That is false. I connect to Gmail using Thunderbird and Windows Mail with port 587 in both the client and the server. Port 25 does not work with Gmail unless Avast! translates it for you as part of its handling of the scanning of encrypted traffic for your particular client.

I am a user of Gmail and Thunderbird for secured account access both POP and IMAP.

This was working perfectly well with avast 5 with security turned off in Thunderbird until recently and allowing avast 5 to provide the secure connections.

In the past week (probably longer) there have been unexpected messages from avast and unexpected timeouts of access to the GMail servers while I have made no changes to my Thunderbird settings.

At the same time there have been no issues with avast and its handling of the secure connections to other accounts such as Hotmail POP and AOL IMAP.

Let me say that anyone who has been in these forums long enough will know that I predicted that the avast team, while providing a mechanism for scanning emails delivered via secure connections rather later than the likes of AVG, would provide a much more elegant solution than the AVG team. They have lived up completely to my expectation.

Nevertheless, there is a problem.

In recent days I have been receiving messages from avast about secured accounts that cannot be scanned and asking me to turn off the SSL/TLS security in the mail client. Looking in the “expert settings” of the email scanner has shown me a range of explicit IP addresses for IMAP and POP. All of the IP addresses turn out to belong to Google. In the same period I have not successfully accessed my GMail accounts (as reported by other users - and rather put down by other contributors to this thread).

As I have mentioned above … I have been around for a while … I kinda know … at the simplest level that I aspire to … the avast developer mindset.

So here is what I did … and I do not recommend this to other avast users while the team takes a look at this post.

I edited the emailshield.ini file and removed every reference to GMail and to the large number of IP addresses to Google mail servers.

I restored the secure accesses for the GMail accounts in Thunderbird.

I allowed avast to report the GMail servers once again and then removed the secure access settings in Thunderbird for the Gmail POP and IMAP servers.

Now on starting Thunderbird it accesses the “secure” (as in secured by avast) GMail POP and IMAP accounts successfully.

Time for the avast team to do some testing of their own. Could this be an issue of GMail making changes to the addressing of its server farm (including intervening DNS name changes) that avast does not comprehend?

FWIW, I use Pegasus Mail with Avast Mail Shield disabled. GMail server certificates were updated in the past week or so. I have server certificate fingerprint tracking on in Pegasus Mail. I checked and had to accept the new certificate before I could send and receive mail thru GMail. Avast was not the issue in my case, but the certificate change have caused your problem.