Avast 5 blocks intenet access, why?

I don’t know why this happens. Before, it used to be a a minute or so and then the web page would load but now it goes on for a long long time. The only way to regain internet access is by restarting the computer or uninstalling avast. Even if I restart, the problem would come back shortly.

Here are some answers to your question

  1. NO I HAVE NO FIREWALL INSTALLED. Since others have posted the same question as me and just ask about firewalls.
    Firewalls don’t cause these kind of problems if they’re configured right and the person at the screen isn’t dumb.
  2. My computer has NO PROBLEMS except for this. Don’t ask me “how do you know it has no error?” Just assume it.
  3. Without avast, the problem no longer exists. If I reinstall it, problem is back.
  4. Disabling the shields, any of them, does not solve the problem. Just now I went to brush my teeth. Came and
    logged back into the forums to number 4. Had to wait like 2 minutes just to get to this page.

By the way, I really think avast is the best not because it boasts 13 millions users (many people are still dumbed at AVG) and claims this and that. Detection is great, cool sandbox feature and good reports (straight forward and shows when and where happened and detected). Avast isn’t closed up like AVG is. I don’t see people from AVG participating in their forums much and talking to their users. I’m sure McAfee is like AVG, so is Symantec, Eset, Kaspersky (maybe not as much), Bitdefender, and others. I digress.

Hello blue_fyre and welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Often times when someone is having difficulty with an AV it is due to other things. So let’s trouble shoot to see what is going on. First I need to know the following:

  1. What is your OS, 32 or 64-bit?
  2. What version of Avast did you install? 5.0.677?
  3. What product of Avast did you install? Free, Pro, AIS?
  4. What other security software do you currently have or did you have in the past on this machine including antivirus (AV) and other security programs (including trial software or AV’s)? If they were in the past, how did you remove them (the vendor’s uninstaller’s tool or another way)?
  5. What browser(s) do you use? Is the problem happening in one or more browsers?
  6. When you uninstalled Avast, did you use the Avast Uninstaller Utility Tool in Safe Mode?
  7. Did you have a previous version of Avast on this machine? If so, did you use the Uninstaller Tool in Safe Mode to also remove this prior version as well PRIOR to installing your current version?
  8. Other than this problem, is your machine acting normally?

Thank you.

  1. 32 bit Windows XP Professional
  2. 5.0.677 but has occured with one before, and maybe before that one too
  3. AIS
  4. I used quite a few, Avira Eset avast 4.7 and 4.8, McAfee and others. I remove them through Ccleaner, which is
    basically the security software’s own uninstaller. But I have an image of my OS using Acronis so whenever I want to
    remove something kind of big, I just wait 4 minutes restoring from image.
  5. Firefox, but this occures with Internet Explorer and any other application that communicates with the internet.
  6. I restored from image.
  7. Fantastic, keeps up with everything despite being 6 years out of date.

Forgot to mention but something like MMORPG stays connected. But if I want to update something like Avira while the problem is underway, no connection. Even avast doesn’t let itself go on the web lawl.

So, removing Avira would be a good idea. Unless you want it more than Avast! :wink:

Seems to me everyone is like having 2 AV is bad. Remove this and keep that. Removing Avira, not a good idea to me. Do you know how fantastic their detection rates are? Don’t go on about how much false positives they have. They have far far less now. I use it for a second opinion.

Anyone have solution for me?

No one can begin to troubleshoot you until you remove Avira. Always start with the most likely cause, then move down the list. This is not some company-line mantra to keep you using only one product. Go to Avira forum, ask if installing any two on-access AV’s is a good idea, and they will also tell you this. Is this in the interest of company profit? Yes, but only because no AV company can make money from a brick.

If you want second opinion software>>http://www.malwarebytes.org/

The thing is, Avira is disabled on startup so I don’t have avgnt.exe, avguard.exe, avwebgrd.exe, and sched.exe running. I’ve also tried uninstalling Avira, problem still persists.

Afraid that is not enough, sorry.
So go ahead and uninstall it again, (not with Ccleaner), because, as I said;

@ blue_fyre,

Gargamel360 is absolutely correct in that having 2 (or more) AV’s can cause problems. Disabling is not the same as uninstalling a software since drivers and registries are still in your machine.

Running two AV on the same computer can create all kind of mysterious windows errors and false detections, and conflicts:

Clash Of The Antivirus Apps:

Why you should never run more than one AV (see reply from quietman7):

However, Windows Defender and MS Malware Removal Tool are not AV.

I don’t think you got to remove Avira anyhow, as I am having exactly the same issue (but aIS is the only AV on my computer), hence I don’t think the problem stems from their confliction. I wonder what other suggestion would be posted other than ‘removing other AV’ ‘do a full scan. Oh, if you have done a full scan, scan your computer with MBAM again’ ‘try re-sinstalling it to see what would happen’.
Why avast! team never realised this might be its own bug.

@zuiquea; Ok there seems to have been a few posts lately about similar problems, i.e. the web shield’s proxy function not working with browsers. You want action from the devs? Think this may be a bug? Email them. They post on the forums, often leaving their email to see.
And start your own topic on problem. You have been on this forum long enough now to know you will get nowhere jumping into someone’s topic with the “Me too, Me too!!” routine.


Seriously. You want it back after you are troubleshooted? Fine, stay on the cart headed for the cliff, but till then, see above.

I’m headed towards land of manga. I’ve been having this combination of 2 AVs since a long time. Once I’ve even installed 3 AVs at a time. They were MSE Eset and Avira, that was when I wanted to test some files. Besides slight performance problem (I have 512 mb RAM and single core with hyperthreading), there was nothing wrong.

I have never ever had any problems. By the way, Avira has no on access installed the way I have it now. The unable to connect problem is still there even with avast alone.

I see…since you say you are…

… ???, then I can no longer suggest anything, good luck to you in the land of Manga and Doujinshi, where I guess it is ok to have many AV’s. :wink:

See here. With Avira, problem exists. Without Avira, problems exists. Either you’ve got some deep hatred for Avira or you honestly think its the fault of 2 AVs existsing ni harmony. the fact that WITHOUT Avira, the problem persists should say something.

I have no idea what the source of your problem is. As I said, the process involves starting with the most likely culprit, then move down the list. A conflict between Avira and Avast! is the start. This is neither programs fault, it is just the way things are, I have not a bad opinion of Avira, I have no opinion, as I have never used it.

I see what you mean by having already removed it, to the same effect, that you do not want to repeat unneeded steps. But the step is needed again, nonetheless. Honestly, your system is likely mucked up with all sorts of remnants. You said first you removed things by restoring a system image, a safe enough thing. But then you mentioned removing them other ways, that leads me to wonder how many times have you done this, then take a system image, carrying remnants with it.

I don’t keep reimaging. One image lasts me months until I’ve taken a liking to new stuff and want to include them in my image, then I reinstall Windows. Up till now it seems like I’ve reinstalled Windows over 40 times (in 3 years). Anyone else want to help me? This not being able to connect is really bothering me. I needed to research something to finish my homework this morning before I went to school but couldn’t connect at the last moment so I gotta turn in the assignment late.

Well, define that «without Avira»! Uninstalling us usually as useless as using additional tools like CCleaner. If,an removal too by Avira themselves may remove it totally.

Next, the mantra not having 2 (or more) anti virus tools… Note: I did not closed that sentence with the word ‹running›.
If you have just the scanner element of an anti virus tool, that shall not bring up problems, except false positive when each one scans the signature file of the other one.
But - it is ridiculous not to use a shield. So one shield and more scanners shall coexist. So, what do you expect from that? Do you surf to bad pages, download silly things and then scan the income files?
A shield is the one to trust. I never need a second scanner to inspect strange files for I know where that file came from. Only when I get a computer to check up for all bad things, the I set in some scanners, and usually MBAM tells me if there is something to repair or to format.

Up till now it seems like I've reinstalled Windows over 40 times (in 3 years).
I'd installed [note: no re- in front of…] XP 2004 and never again (and quitting 98 3 yeras ago on an other machine that day and never again). So, sorry, to me you crash your OS by what reason ever, an you do attempt to learn (anything) by your mistakes. 2 AV tools are an indicator as well. I'm quite sure not to be able to help you…


Well, I’ve finally managed to find out what the problem is… (at least for me)
It seems that when I was using a Ramdisk, to which I moved the default temp. folder, for the first few minutes after reboot, avast! cannot read and write data succefully (or smoothly or whatever…). When changing the temp. folder to Windows’ default location, it finally stopped blocking websites.
Is there any way in which I can change avast!'s default location of temp folder?

@zuiquea; Ok there seems to have been a few posts lately about similar problems, i.e. the web shield's proxy function not working with browsers. You want action from the devs? Think this may be a bug? Email them. They post on the forums, often leaving their email to see. And start your own topic on problem. You have been on this forum long enough now to know you will get nowhere jumping into someone's topic with the "Me too, Me too!!" routine.
I did it a long time ago, but it hadn't been solved. Don't you think the topics here are enough for them to realise it may be avast!'s bug or whatever?