Avast 5 & Event Viewer

Greetings All,

I think I may have done something in error that has stopped Avast from communicating with Event Viewer.

I cleared out the log, Event Viewer> Antivirus, containing the records made by Avast 4.8 when I installed Avast 5. Since then there have been no entries at all.

Can anyone make an (informed) guess as to what I did wrong, or advise as to how I can get Avast and Event Viewer to speak to one another again?

XP Sp 3 , Avast 5.0.462

Hi havildar,

From what I remember, avast! 5 doesn’t write to the event viewer anymore…


EDIT: See here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53915.msg460929#msg460929

Oh dear … maybe I should stop beating myself up about it?

Thanks spg SCOTT.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: