Every day when I start up my computer, avast tells me I need to update my definitions, as well as the program. When I try to update it stops after 1 or 2 seconds and shows this:
Note: it isn’t up to date, avast claims 5.0.418 is out.
Has anyone encountered this problem? I have allowed it in my zone alarm firewall settings, don’t know what else it could be.
Okay, I uninstalled avast using the aswclear tool, and then reinstalled using the installer on the site.
Seems to be up to date, and as I’m typing this I got a popup saying that avast successfully updated virus definition, so I guess it works!
I have the same problem on an old Athlon based puter with XP Home. I even get colorful pop-ups, one saying I’m NOT up to date and another, right below it, saying I am. I like the older avast, never had a problem with it. Still using older avast on my new puter. Hate the thought of losing it to the 5.0.545 upgrade and all these problems, and, as I see it, no one has a solution. Clean re-installs haven’t helped either. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful I even have avast! free. I’m medically retired and my SS check won’t cover a paid version.
@ Mr.Agent, I don’t think Bigbro is trying to hijack this thread. He sounds like he is having a similar problem to the original OP in that he can’t update his definitions.
@ Bigbro,
What version of avast are you using (4.0)?
What is your system OP? (XP SP_)? How much RAM do you have?
Have you been keeping your system up to date with Windows updates and avast definition updates until you encountered this problem?
Do you or did you have a different antivirus (AV) on your system prior to avast?
What other security software do you have on your system (firewall, etc.)? Do you have your firewall as a exclusion in the avast settings?
Are you getting any logs, warnings, etc. in your firewall that avast is being prevented from getting the updates?
Can you otherwise connect to the Internet without any problems?
Have you made any changes to your system just prior to your problem occurring?
Do you have an on-demand scanner in the meantime until we get this problem resolved like FREE MBAM http://www.malwarebytes.org/? This works fine with avast (no need to get the paid version).
I would install, if you haven’t already, avast free v. 5.0.545. First let’s start with the answers above and take it from there.
Keep in mind that to fix your problem, you will need to install the 5.0.545 (free) version…it’s actually easier to use.
How to uninstall Avast and do a CLEAN install:
Save a copy of newest version of Avast before you uninstall anything.
What version of avast are you using (4.0)? I’m using v5.0.377.
What is your system OP? (XP SP_)? XP Home, SP3 How much RAM do you have? 2 gigs
Have you been keeping your system up to date with Windows updates and avast definition updates until you encountered this problem? Yes
Do you or did you have a different antivirus (AV) on your system prior to avast? No
What other security software do you have on your system (firewall, etc.)? Comodo Firewall Do you have your firewall as a exclusion in the avast settings? No
Are you getting any logs, warnings, etc. in your firewall that avast is being prevented from getting the updates? No
Can you otherwise connect to the Internet without any problems? No Problems
Have you made any changes to your system just prior to your problem occurring? It started with an upgrade of avast
Do you have an on-demand scanner in the meantime until we get this problem resolved like FREE MBAM http://www.malwarebytes.org/? This works fine with avast (no need to get the paid version).
Go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then Please select your country: then Signature: and put information about your system just like my signature about your system just like my signature so that the helpers can offer pertinent advice.
Bigbro, please do the following before you do your Avast uninstall/install:
Update your Windows to SP3.
Check to make sure you have all the MS Windows Updates installed on your machine. If not, do it.
You will be prompted to restart your machine after doing the Windows updates.
After this, then you can follow my above instructions for Avast. Part of having safe security on your system is also having an up to date OS, which means upgrading your SP2 to SP3 as there have been many security patches.
You may also want to download the free Secunia_PSI http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/, which will scan your system to see if you need critical patches fixed and it will give a button for the download. This is something many of us use to check our systems to make sure they are kept current with the ever changing software updates.
Please post back after you have completed the above or if you have any questions.