Avast 5 updating problem

Have been using Avast 4.8 for some time with no problems - registration expired so I updated to Avast 5.
Using Operating System: Desktop - Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3

I don’t have any problems connecting to the Internet

 Problem: Have not been able to update Avast 5 Virus definitions 
 current Virus Definition (100614-0)  - With warning I need to update
 Error: cannot connect to server since I installed 

Also noticed that Malwarebyte (Paid) version and other programs i use (i.e. Adobe, etc) are unable to do a update.

I have exclusion for Malwarebyte in the General settings

Is there a solution or step I am missing in setting up Avast 5

My registration for my laptop Avast 4.8 is also about to expire.

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

Try this
Open Avast! >> Settings >> Updates >> Proxy Settings Click on “Direct Connection (No Proxy)”
Also try specifying how your pc is connected under Update Parameters.
Then try updating.

The fact other things are not updating either certainly seems odd, though.

Have Direct Connection ( No Proxy) already checked from reading other post.
Just changed how pc is connected.
Still cannot connet to server for virus update.

Do I need to reboot?

If you have not tried that yet, then yes, can’t hurt.

Rebooted did not resolve problem.

I suggest an uninstall of Avast and CLEAN install to fix your problems.

Please follow these instructions:

  1. Save a copy of newest version of Avast.
  2. Save the http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility on your hard drive.
  3. Disconnect from the Internet at this time.
  4. Uninstall Avast through “Add/Remove Programs”.
  5. Boot into Safe Mode and run the Avast Uninstall Tool. NOTE: Make sure you uninstall both version 4.0 and 5.0 since you had both versions on your machine to remove all remnants.
  6. Reboot twice.
  7. Clean your computer up.
  8. Install the newest version of Avast and reboot twice.
  9. Get Internet access and update Avast definitions.
  10. Register your copy or add the license key for Free Pro or AIS.
  11. Reset your settings, if needed.

Please let us know if you have any further questions or problems after completing the above.

You can also try the latest PR build, just released… :wink:

The Rebuild works perfectly and now I am getting updates from other programs as well.
Great programming by all to fix the problem.


You’re welcome…!

Thanks! This worked perfectly.