Avast 6.0.1000 - GUI bug in Vista

I recently started using planned (quick and full) scanning and noticed a GUI bug in Vista.

When a planned scanning starts, a pop-up appears in the bottom right corner of the desktop. During the scanning this pop-up is normal. But when the scan finishes, the pop-up changes its appearance: it looks like as if it is cut on the right edge - there is no cross button, nor pin button. To close the pop-up I have to click “Show the results”.

Avast 6.0.1091 - the bug is still here.

Looks perfectly fine on my Vista system. However i’m using a stock english version. Considering you’re using a localized version i’d say that’s the reason. Longer words may sometimes cause a slight corruption of menus when they weren’t checked properly during translation. I’m sure this could be fixed quickly now that we know what string exactly is involved…

I can say that all strings in Russian with scan results messages are involved. And I think the same issue is in Belarusian and Ukrainian too - these three languages ​​are very similar and have similar length of words and phrases.

It would be the best to get in touch with avast! translation team and translators responsible for these languages.

But what is this forum for? Isn’t it enough to post problems and bugs here?

I sent a message to Tech. He should be able to help. Please have some patience as he is very busy.
For what it’s worth I agree it must be a “language” bug. :slight_smile:

Good question, it depends I would say.
Igor is usually quite fast in catching German bugs/translation errors.
But also in German there are some issues left… :wink:

I sent a message to Igor. Hope he can help. :slight_smile:

Thanks for trying to help, but I can do this myself if needed.
Anyway, I think he knows which issues I meant. :wink:
But maybe he can help George…
Happy Easter,

I thank everybody for your interest and advice. I will inform you here when the problem is resolved. Happy Easter!

Avast 6.0.1125 - the problem has still not been resolved, and both of my questions (here and here) were left unanswered.

That’s why i said you should contact someone responsible for translations. avast! team does monitor the forum but they don’t track each and every thread. I’ll do something if it will speed up things a bit but i’m not sure how much faster will it be…

I have to return to the question that has been declared in the first message. I have come to believe that this is not a problem for translators. When I was watching the work of the scanner in XP, I didn’t see this bug.

It seems to me that the problem is that Avast does not respect the sidebar in Vista. Instead of moving left with increasing length of the textstring, the pop-up moves to the right and “dives” under the sidebar. I think this behaviour should be fixed.