"Avast 6.0.1000's Scan's Settings Windows".

I have the Avast 6.0.1 in XP. It’s the free version. In the interface of the antivirus there are many things to set, and therefore many windows of the submenus.Clicking on the left part of the antivirus interface (or window), you can read “Scan computer”. If you click on this, there are many scans the antivirus can perform (Quick scan, Full system scan, Removable media scan, Select folder to scan, and so on). At the same time, each of these scans have a link, which says “Settings”. Clicking on this link a new window opens for each of the scans. Well, the problem I have is that for some scans: Full system scan, Removable media scan, Select folder to scan and so on, when the “Settings” window opens (which has on the left part several tabs: Scan, Sensitivity, Packers, Actions)some of these tabs(windows)are atenuated. Therefore, they don’t allow me to choose the settings I want. For instance, for “Full system scan”, in the Scan tab, the Scan parameters window opens, but I can’t choose the settings I want for it seems the window is toned down.

I believe that this is by design for those default scans where you can not change the what to “Scan”.

I am not sure why someone would want to change the “Scan” settings on these scans

If you want to crate your own what you would consider a full system scan then go to “Settings”----“Basic”–and click the box under “Special Scans”. Then go into “Scan Computer” and at the bottom right click on “Create Custom Scan”. Then you can create a scan to scan whatever you like.

This behavior (default settings greyed out) is intentional.
There are some default settings in the default scannings that you cannot change.
Create a new scan and you’ll have all options to manage.

I suggest you read what it says at the top of your image, in the pre-defined scans what you are allowed to change is limited.

This is a predefined scan so some options may be read-only. To customize these options, please create a custom scan.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the type of window, in the case “Scan” window.The settings should be changed at anyone’s will.
I have another computer with Vista Basic Home, and the same antivirus (Avast) and the same version, and it doesn’t happen to me what happens to me in XP Basic Home.

In that case, you are modifying a different (custom) scan - or a different page of the settings.
Can you post the screenshot from the computer where it doesn’t happen?

That is why they are called pre-defined scans, that way you have a known condition for comparison or debugging results, etc. and why you can create a custom scan, which you can change to your hearts content. As Igor mentions if the scan settings aren’t greyed out then it is unlikely to be a pre-defined scan that the same settings can be changed.

If you happen to get unexpected results in your custom scan, then you can simply delete that scan and create a new custom one, this is somewhat different if you could change the pre-defined scans as you can’t easily change it back to the start status.

So just create a custom scan if there are areas that you wish to change, that custom scan can be given a more meaningful name and is saved, available for use in the future.

Personally I don’t feel there is a need to use anything other than the Quick or Full System pre-defined scans, as for the most part on-demand scans are going to be scanning files that are otherwise dormant or inert. If they are active, not dormant or inert, then the resident on-access scanner will scan them before they are, created, modified, opened, run or executed.

So the resident on-access antivirus, depreciates the need for on-demand scans, I just do a Quick scan, scheduled to run once a week.

I will post the screenshot. But later, I’ve just formateed the Vista Home Basic computer.