Right around the same time that I installed version 6.0, my web accelerator decided to quit working. After being on the phone for 3 days with computer support—they tell me that some updates in avast can cause the web accelerator problems. Has anyone heard of this? And if so how do I fix it? And if it’s important, I run xp sp3
I have Slipstream web accelerator and a dialup connection. It’s never really started very well on it’s own, so I finally disabled it from starting automatically and put an icon in Quick Launch. I dial up and then start Slipstream. It’s worked good ever since.
I did have a couple issues directly related to Avast but they were easy to fix. Slipstream is a proxy and uses port 5400 so I had to add 5400 to “HTTP Ports” in the Avast Redirect Settings and right below that “Ignore local communication” has to be unchecked or else the Web Scanner won’t scan. And right below that I had to uncheck “Ignore local communication” in the Mail settings to get the Email Scanner to work.
It might help if you could go into a little more detail about your system and what you mean exactly by “quit working.” What kind of connection to the internet do you have and what web accelerator are you using?
I’m on dialup and my accelerator is through the dialup company but the program is Propel ac. I did have to change the proxy on the accelerator in order for it to be compatible with firefox. Where is the avast redirect settings?
ok, I found the redirect settings. The port number was already listed and i unchecked the box but it didn’t work
Unchecked what box ?
when using another proxy, you will probably have to uncheck the Ignore local communication, is that the one you are talking about ?
It was the ignore local communication box but the proxy was already listed. I tried it checked and unchecked. I just got off the phone again with internet/computer support and it isn’t an Avast issue. They canceled the web accelerator and never told me. Thanks everyone for your help.
You’re welcome, thanks for the feedback.
Ist of all…
Sorry for replying to an old post, but I CANNOT find any icons/buttons or whatever that would enable me to start a new topic as the warning blurb suggests…And I looked everywhere…grr whats up with that?
As to my question… Can someone please tell me where the “Avast redirect settings” are?
I have looked everywhere in the Avast program that I can figure to look, and no luck!
I am trying to figure out if Avast is part of why even with the Accelerator my dial up ISP gave me, my internet experience is still soooo slow pages stall out.
Guess today just isn’t my day for finding things…lol
Any help appreciated!
Redirect settings access via Avast main interface/settings/troubleshooting
@ tednelly
You appear to have modified your settings as the HTTP port(s) has many more options.
@ LadyJ91
These are the ports listed in mine 80,8080,8091,8081,8008,8888,3124,3127,3128 if the port you use for the Web Accelerator isn’t listed, then add it to the end. You must place a comma between entries, no space required as in my list above.
Do you have the proxy port set manually into your browser ?
Thank you all for the help!
With your help I found the redirect thing.
I have no clue to computers…lol So I just did that the forum said to do.
Hope un-checking the boxes as suggested was ok.
I have no idea other than that…lol
All I know is I am checking into everything to figure out why I have sooooo much trouble playing on Pogo…
IE and my ISP accelerator don’t seem to play well together…
FireFox won’t even try to let me play…
And I keep getting kill page/wait warnings constantly in Google Chrome, not just for Pogo, but just all the time.
Not being very computer savvy, I am probably doing more harm than good…lol
Again…ty sooo much!
LJ [/b][/size]
You’re welcome.
To be honest, in all the time I was using dial-up (up until very recently 7-8 months ago) I never found a web accelerator worth a darn.
I even paid for a service which compresses the data on their server before it comes to your system to be uncompressed, I got a refund after less than a month (more like a week), for me it was useless and more hassle than it was worth.
I’m updating to this post because I originally made it and it’s kinda in the same area. When the company I was with quit offering the accelerator, I went through the accelerator company itself. But when avast had upgraded to v6, I noticed something was happening. The web page would load, but some of the images wouldn’t. If I clicked restart accelerator, then all of the images would come up at the same time instantly. I made sure the port listed in the accelerator was also listed in FF. I then went into avast—settings—troubleshooting and scrolled down to redirect settings. The port is listed but the box marked ignore local communication is also checked. I had someone in the earlier post tell me to uncheck the box. Do I still need to uncheck the box? And what does the box exactly do? Thanks for everything.
If the web accelerator uses a proxy to achieve this acceleration, then yes you would have to uncheck it in order for the local traffic to be scanned.
However, what build of avast do you have, the latest is 6.0.1289 and there is a new feature in that, were it scans all HTTP traffic ?
So I don’t know how this would impact on the accelerator function, if it scans it by default then there may be no need to uncheck that Ignore local communication option.
I have 6.0.1289
The accelerator uses a certain port, so I had to put that port in FF under settings. When I looked at avast, that port was already listed but the box was checked. What do you think? Are there any other settings I would need to change?
If you put that port in the firefox proxy settings, then you should put that port in the redirected ports and that should take care of it, hopefully without unchecking the Ignore local communications.
Monitor the real-time shields, web shield details and ensure that the traffic is being scanned, e.g. the scanned count would be increasing and the last scanned field would also be constantly updated.
If not then you might need to uncheck the ignore local communication again.
I went back into firefox and the options. The box is clicked next to manual proxy configuration. then localhost and the port number is underneath. Then a little furthur down it says:
no proxy for: localhost and then it lists my ip address. Should I delete this? Do you know? I know it’s more about FF and not avast. I’m still having the issue with the accelerator even with my port listed.
Also would I need to change any settings on my avast firewall? It’s set on medium zone if you need to know that.
I don’t know as it is years since I used a web accelerator on dial-up and to be honest, it was a waste of time, I was even using a paid option and I got my money back.
So I can’t recall exactly how I connected, but from memory you need to be connecting through a site so that all the requests go out to that site and they bring it in very fast and compress it and send it down, where it is decompressed.
So I think you would have to leave these IP addresses or the accelerator might not work.
Unfortunately I can’t be much practical help as I have no idea how your accelerator works.
The avast firewall as far as I’m aware doesn’t need any changes.