Working for a family that has a Dell Dimension E520 running 32Bit Vista, 1 GB Ram, 1.78 or so Processor. (Trying to convince owners to upgrade to Windows 7)
Had been running Avast 5.x and upgraded to 6. Problems began.
The PC will not complete a Boot Time Scan, but hang on 5% and on different .DOC, .XML or .XLS or .PDF files. Normally not the same file, but normally from the same “Desktop” folder from a “User” directory.
Also run:
MalWare Bytes with no problems or hangs.
Windows Defender with no problems or hangs.
AdAware with no problems or hangs.
I uninstalled Avast 6.
Used their cleaner to “completely” remove any remnants.
Reinstalled Avast 6.
Avast 6 indicates it has downloaded the current definition files.
A Boot Time Scan will still freeze (or just not show any activity)around 5%.
After waiting for 20 to 30 minutes or more, still no activity or change.
Will press escape to stop the Boot Time Scan and the PC will then continue to boot normally.
While in Windows, we’ll open Windows Explorer, right click on just different folders and select “Scan with Avast”.
Some folders will scan and give no indication of any problems and the scan appears to have completed in an appropriate amount of time.
When we select the “Desktop” folder of user “Julie”, she has numerous other folders and files within those folders that consists of “.DOC’s”, “.XLS’s” and “.PDF’s”. Some folders and files scan fine, while others will not (at least Avast will open, but give no indication that a scan is about to start)
We can open the “problem folders” and select the files individually and they will scan fine.
One file in particular is a document (.DOC) with some clipart inserted and text boxes with “html” links inserted within them. It will scan fine on it’s own, but if the folder that file is located in is scanned then it “might” be that file that the scan stops on or it might not be the file the folder scan stops on.
There’s no duplication or replay that turns out the same when a folder scan is performed. The scan might stop on a .PDF or .DOC or .XLS.
We’ve deleted some of the files, but this has changed nothing. The folder scan will still just randomly stop on a file.
AGAIN, all was well until the upgrade to Avast 6. The upgrade did not appear to go well for them (I did not do the initial upgrade from 5.x to 6).
The Avast Cleaning Tool said it completed successfully at removing Avast “whatever”.
Have used Avast for several years with never a problem like this.
As a side note… I try to go to Microsoft’s website to run their validation tool. The PC owner said they get this window now and then that indicates they are not using a valid copy of the Windows OS. However, the install of their Vista came from the CD that came with the Dell PC. I can’t get the validation program to run from the Microsoft Website. When I click on their “Validate Button” from:
The program will not run, download or anything, but just skip to another Microsoft page.
Thanks from the Twilight Zone for any help.