Avast 6 Free and smb problem


I use Windows 7 32 bits, I have just install Avast 6 and I usually use Wiimc, as client smb, to play videos and music.

Using Avast 5.x.xxx, I had no problem, but using Avast 6 I can´t use smb, because I get incomplete listings (it doesn´t show files) from the share drive.

I have uninstalled Avast 6 and reinstalled Avast 5.1.889 and all works correctly again.

It´s possible to fix this problem?


I am having the same problem. My only option was to uninstall Avast! and install Microsoft Security Essentials. For some reason, SMB shares on the Wii are not working properly with Avast 6. I get incomplete listings from the share drive.

If this can be fixed, I would consider reinstalling avast!, but for now, it doesn’t work with my network.

I have tried to uninstall all previous versions, using Avast Uninstall Utility, and reinstall an Avast 6 Free clean version, but it hasn´t worked.

Any idea to fix the problem?

Make that 3 people. Running Win7 x32.

I’ve got the exact same problem. SMB shares are either missing entirely or incomplete.

Disabling Avast doesn’t help, but uninstall and everything works again.

Tobad I wasted a day beating my head trying to figure out why the Wii & Xbox weren’t seeing all my media before finally finding this out. Honestly never would have suspected AV software, but yup, that’s what it is.

Shame too because Avast 6 actually “seemed” to work otherwise, unlike 5.1 which was a big bundle of fail.

Guess I have to go back to 5.0.677 AGAIN. That or switch to something else. I’ve been swaring by Avast for years and it’s always been solid, but lately, it’s just not the same solid product it used to be. Wish Avast would stop pushing features and fluff and go back to pushing functionality & stability. I’ll give it one more version tho, 3rd times the charm as they say. We’ll see.

Having the same problem with Avast 6 and WiiMC along with 3 others on the WiiMC forum.

Uninstalling Avast 6 fixes the problem.

Running Win7 64bit and Avast 6.0.1000

I dropped back to Avast 5.0.396 and smb is working properly again.

I have this issues too with Avast 6.0.1000, Windows 7 SP1(x32).

If it’s blocking this simple data, what else is it blocking? Is there anyway to workaround this problem without going back to v5 or switching AV’s?

Double checked. It isn’t just my Wii SMB’s. The computer upstairs, running Windows XP SP3, is missing folders from shares, too. I can connect to the folders, they just don’t show up on a browse of the network.

Most notably, my “Photos” folder is missing from my “Pictures” share, until I downgrade (upgrade?) to Avast! 5.1.889. Then I can see the “Photos” folder without a problem.

Avast! 6 is doing something serious to LANManager/NetBios over TCP/IP shares. It doesn’t work on Wii, it only marginally works in XP SP3. Given that I depend on my network for a number of things, I can’t use this version of Avast! and I certainly am going to stop recommending it.

Is there anything we can do to help troubleshoot this bug?

(P.S.: I tried the Microsoft Security Essentials, but would still rather have Avast! 5.1.889. Didn’t like MSE one bit)

Nobody knows what to do to fix this problem??

Would just like to also confirm this issue.

Disabling Avast services does nothing, the only fix is to uninstall completely and either use an older version or another AV all-together.

Hope this problem gets fixed soon as I was quite enjoying Avast 6, but depend on my computer for streaming and sharing files.

Registered here just to post that I have this problem as well. My shared seem to work fine for a while and then just Poof and they are no longer accessible from the WiiMC program. Haven’t played to find what parts of it are causing the problem though.

Ah well.

Bump. Could someone at least tell us “We’re working on it?” Or that it was fixed with the next set of signatures. It does not only affect the Wii. It affects :o Windows XP :frowning:

If it were just the Wii, that’s one thing, but my kids can’t get their photos off the family sever, and that means this bug is a deal-killer.

If there’s any procedure I can follow, I’m willing to install Avast 6 (or even Wireshark) and get the development team some logs. PM me with a link to instructions if I can help out.

Hi, I also have this problem with Avast 6.0.1000, Windows 7 64bit, and my Beyonwiz media centre - I get incomplete listings of files shared on the network. Disabling all shields does nothing but uninstalling Avast fixes the probelm. I tried using the IRPStackSize fix but that didn’t work either. This seems to have started after the update to 6.0.1000.

Looking forward to seeing an answer to this soon. Thanks

For anyone that hasn’t already, you can uninstall Avast 6 and then install avast 5.1.889. Everything should start to work then. Just be sure to est the Program Updates to Manual so you don’t accidentally upgrade back to 6.

Here’s a link if you need it:

Any solution?

Can i try anything to fix this problem?

Just to re-iterate what’s already been said,

Completely removing Avast 6 by,

  1. downloading awsclear from avast website
  2. boot to safe mode
  3. run awsclear, uninstall program

Will restore your file sharing, seems to be a problem with Avast 6 Version 6.0.1000

As I’d paid for the professional license I opened a support case, no response though. Very disappointed.

Oh Well, time to search for a new anti-virus provider

Similar problem here: after 6.0 update smb client (Mac desktop) sees only limited number of subfolders shared on the Win 7 machine; as experiment, I created the following situation: shared folder has N folders, of which only N-1 are showing in Mac’s Finder. If I add 1 more subfolder preceding the original N subfolders in the sort sequence, then the last shown folder “drops off the radar”, i.e. only N-2 folders showing, and missing folders are the last 2 in the sequence. I got an impression that alpha named and numerically named subfolders are treated separately, so that in the subfolders named

when I create subfolder 001, 999 disappears from smb client, but ddd stays visible.
I read elsewhere, that the problem can be solved by reverting to the previous version of Avast! but am reluctant to give 6.0 up, and am holding my breath for a quick bug fix

Over to you, avast!

I can also confirm that this broke my abillity to view certain files and folders while browsing my win 7 64bit SMB shares from XBMC running on an old XBOX and an apple TV2.

Uninstalled Avast and went back to Avira

glad I never paied money for it nice work guys.
Guess this improtant issue sliped the QA testing.
Pitty becasue avast was loking to be the best free AV I had found.

I have been waiting a couple of months for Avira to fix even the most ridiculous issues in their shiny new v10 when they released it. No luck, plus all I got was completely useless antispam-restricted forum where people cannot reply to threads started by others and moderators asking for completely irrelevant HTJ or whatnot logs. Good luck with whatever AV you choose anyway.

P.S. Someone reported that SMB browsing/listing is already fixed in 6.0.1035 prerelease: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=74149.0 Patience FTW ::slight_smile:

This issue was suppose to be fixed in this build of avast according to post:

This apparently is still an issue because I can uninstall avast 6 and SMB works perfect.

This previous workaround is no longer valid as this is no longer an option under change:

Although in the new pre-release this seems to have been corrected.
You can install it from here:

I though the latest pre-release had fixed it (seemed to), but last night I noticed a new folder wasn’t being picked up by my Boxee Box again so I’m assuming it’s still broken.