Avast level detection grow with the help of ThreatFire ? ??? ;D
I have no idea why you have posted this in the avast! Free/Pro/Suite forum as it has nothing to do with avast or its programs.
Threatfire, had you looked a little further like the download page you would see that this hasn’t been update in over two years (see image extract from the download page), Nov 25 2009. A security application has to be continually developed or it doesn’t keep up.
So I rather suspect the information posted in the home page is equally out of date, image2.
Threatfire is not even supported anymore afaik ???
Problematic program to run alongside of avast anyway since avast already has a behaviour shield and threatfire is also very high on the resource usage.
Avast and threatfire not recommended imo.
It might have been partially correct in 2009 with avast 4.8 (when it would appear this page was last updated), but now threatfire it is just an old program.
Thanx for reply and sorry for the post :-\
Asking is never a problem…!
Actually ThreatFire still does its job pretty well. Saying Behavior Shield won’t go well with it. Why? behavior Shield doesn’t do anything at all at teh moment. As much as its hard for me to say this, its true. Maybe it does something for avast! team but for me as an end user, nothing.
We, end users, will love to see some activity here. Specially if it bring us more proactive detection. Don’t you think?
Unfortunately i’m waiting for what? 2 years now? And still nothing. I had great hopes because i’ve seen few other behavior blockers and they did an outstanding job. They have to take advantage of it now. It won’t make any difference if you start using it when everyone will know ways to bypass it.
Depends on if you have it set to auto or ask, auto is very quiet as it makes decisions on its own obviously ( iv only ever had a couple of popups in this setting ) but when i had it set to ask i was getting quite alot of popups when installing and running new software for the first time, especially when i was installing Realflght 6 RC flight simulator last week so i turned it back to auto again, it’s still monitoring since i could view everything it had scanned but it’s making the smart decisions on its own without bothering me.
The Bhs gave of a couple of alerts in auto when i first ran Total Media Theater when i was setting up my new system.
Auto doesn’t do anything. Even when i’ve thrown bunch of files that were clearly malware, nothing. I best case it just drawed a red line in teh graph but nothing got actually blocked.
Setting it to ask makes it annoying for almost anything you try to do. Tried it for some time and then switched back to Auto as it was too annoying (alerting on pretty much anything).
I hope v7 will have improved behaviour shield. Auto-decide isn’t very protective and Ask mode is pop-up galore. Also it would be nice to have more informative pop-ups and perhaps also file reputation data/info on how many users block/allow since Avast has probably gathered lots of info since the release of the community information feedback feature back from v5.1(I believe?) and they have lots and lots of users thanks to the free version.
Actually it’s being revived right now, there have been 2 updates in the beginning of 2011(mostly bug fixes)and a major new version is being developed:
Home page is indeed out of date, latest version is v4.7.0.53(02-24-2011):