Avast 6 Free stops working after a few days

I need some help.

I installed and registered version 6 a few days ago on a Win 7 Premium PC and it has been working and updating well, however today it is telling me that the current status is “Not Yet Registered”.
If I try to register I receive a “can not file file” error message.
As a first strike I tried to reinstall the application, however I am unable to uninstall the current install, even in safe mode.
The PC time and date are correct.

This is the second time this has happened, the first time was identical and the only way to uninstall the program was to restore the system to a previous restore point. I was them able to reinstall and register the program. Unfortunately this time a restore point is not available and the prospects of a full recovery does not fill me with joy.

Any help would be appreciated.

Which version of Avast? 6.0.1125?

I installed 6.0.1091.0

Click on the blue “Free” in my signature, download the 6.0.1125 version, install. (No uninstall needed prior to installing).
Reboot and re-check.

[EDIT]: please give a little more detail: what does it mean “unable to uninstall”? What are the symptoms, error messages?
Your PC is malware-free?

What other security software do you currently have or did you have in the past on this machine including:

  • Antivirus (AV)

  • Firewall (FW)

  • Trial versions of AV, FW and other security programs

  • Other security software

  • If they were in the past, how did you remove them (the vendor’s uninstaller’s tool or another way)?

Some times having remnants of other security software can create conflicts.

Let us know if the upgrade to Avast 6.0.1125 resolves your problem. Thank you.

I have run the new version as advised.
During install the program stopped at the “uninstallation” stage. The Setup Finish dialogue states that “there was an error while completing the setup process”

Then we will have to remove the current installation.


[*]Download Malwarebytes Antimalware free here: Click!
[*]Install the downloaded Malwarebytes Antimalware free
[*]Run Malwarebytes Antimalware free by double-clicking on it’s desktop icon
[*]In Malwarebytes Antimalware free go to the tab Update and update it
[*]In Malwarebytes Antimalware free go to the tab Scanner
[*]Select Perform quick scan and click on Scan button

After the scan has finished, the scan-log will automatically open in notepad.

[*]In notepad click on File and then on Save as
[*]In the Save as window select any convenient folder to save in
[*]At the bottom of the Save as window make sure code ANSI is selected
[*]At the very bottom of the Save as window click on Save

Attach the log file you just saved to your next post by clicking on Additional Options at the bottom left of the forum post editing screen.

Then have MBAM remove all items it found.
I will review the log as it comes in and give further advice.


[*] Follow this guide to remove traces of Trend: CLICK!
[*]Click on the blue “Clear” in my signature below and download the Avast-removal-tool.
[*]Boot in safe-mode and run the downloaded tool. This should remove the current installation.
[*]Reboot normally and install the new version 6.0.1125.

When I say “unable to uninstall” I can not uninstall the program from Control Panel in the usual way. Nothing happens when you click “uninstall”

The PC originally had Trend (trial) which i uninstalled via Control panel before installing Avast

See my post above (I edited it)

Run the TrendMicro Uninstaller Tool: http://esupport.trendmicro.com/1/How-do-I-remove-old-or-new-versions-of-Trend-Micro-products-in-my-comp.aspx...then reboot your machine.

Coffee-time, Safe… I already posted that 20 minutes ago.

Right. State of play

PC is malware free (refer. attached)
Trend uninstaller did its stuff
Avast uninstaller did its stuff
Avast 6.0.1125 install successfully, I have registered and Avast has updated.

You have been a great help, and saved me a few headaches

Thankyou very much. ;D

My pleasure.

Happy surfin’

P.S.: Is your Vista up to date? Looks like missing SPs?