Avast 6 pro and windows defender

I see different people saying different things about this, is it ok to leave windows defender on with avast 6 pro on a windows 7 64 bit computer? I have it on and so far it does not seem to slow anything down I was just worried about conflicts.

What annoys me with windows defender and win7, there is no sodding uninstall option. So I guess you have my answer then.

When you consider you also have avast and MBAM (free) I wonder about the necessity of of having WD.

So on my system not being able to uninstall it, it is disabled. That way I’m also not getting a daily excursion of windows updates as that is how it updates its signatures, via the WU process.

My Opinion of this is: As long as you’re sure its Windows Defender…There is word that Windws Defender has changed to Microsoft Security Essentials…Also I don’t care for getting updates from Microsoft on a monthly basis, in my opinion, when the updates come I worry that something else is liable to slide along with them or sometimes just fixes and patches that aren’t compatible with certain programs…So getting updates for me on a weekly basis is asking a little too much…
Also Windows Defender has a Fast Scan that finishes in a few minutes that is worthless…And the full scan can take hours…With similar results…It does not have any issues with Avast, but In my opinion It’s just using system resources and starts up automatically on your computer boot…Other than that I don’t think it can do much damage if you choose to leave it…
. Safe Surfing

Windows Defender is, in effect, part of MSE
So on a Vista/XP system by installing MSE Windows Defender is disabled
I don’t know about Win7

Thanks guys, yes I know windows defender is part of mse and is disabled on windows 7 if you use mse, I just disabled defender since I have really no need for it since you can not uninstall it on windows 7 just have to disable it.

You’re welcome.

As usual you have no clue about what you speak as you use Windows XP SP3. :cry:

Windows Defender is the same on Windows 7 and Vista and can be set up to help with malware prevention.

Sorry for any Misunderstanding “YoKenny”

!! Although I do use Windows XP SP3, I do own a 15-inch MacBook Pro 2.2 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 4GB 1333MHz 750GB 5400-rpm1 Intel HD Graphics 3000 AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 1GB GDDR5… In Detail…I do not use the Mac as much as I should because most of my files I have are on my XP Laptop and I feel comfortatable taking it with me everywhere I go…have owned every windows computer since the windows 98 version
I did attend St.Clair College and finished my computer Technichian course, the 2 year full time course, not the 3 year Technichian course, because it goes more into web design and detailed networking and is more bussines oriented Also I work at PC Outfitters, been here for 2 years as a sales consultant and now in the service department. Also As You Can see…I said Quote “”“”“MY OPINION OF THIS”“”“”“” Un Quote…
As You can see we all try to help each other and in most cases, guess at situations and issues people may have, depending on what they see and how they explain their issues…sometimes even misunderstand certain explanations…But mostly with “respect” even if we quite don’t agree on the same values, software programs, opinions so on…even if we have to ignore certain comments…In my case I didn’t ignore your comment because I have noticed that it is not the first time you have made a rude comment “in my opinion”
Again I am sorry if I previously said anything to have you feel this way. But I beleve that it is hard to judge a person just by reading a few posts, without exactly knowing them at all…