Avast 6 x64 boot time scan

Does Avast 6 support boot time scan for x64?


yes, Avast supports boot scans on Windows 64 bit since version 5.1.

Thanks. I was not aware of this.

By the way, does the web rep only show in the toolbar or is it suppose to provide ratings for individual links on a Google search page?


Thanks again. The web rep is not showing on Google search pages. I have looked for a setting but, may just be missing it.

I don’t use it, but last time I tested it, it worked in Google search pages. This said others have reported that it didn’t anymore, so there’s probably an issue.

You don’t say what browser you are using and that is crucial to if the WebRep can be installed (currently only Firefox and IE (don’t know if that also includes IE9 RC build).

It is working for me with Firefox 3.6.13.

Also see this post, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=72145.msg602523#msg602523, which is for IE ( version 9 I think) and no webrep bars are displayed on the search.

Sorry for not including which browser. I too am using FireFox 3.6.13. The web rep shows on the toolbar but, not on Google searches. Thanks for the image as well so I will know exactly what I’m looking for.

You’re welcome.

If you browse the forums you will see a number of topics relating to the webrep and many about problems with the webrep servers. There have been intermittent times when the servers have been unavailable.

Hopefully over a few days this will be resolved as this is an entirely new avast function and I don’t know if this is just server load so more servers would need to be added.