Also went to Virustotal and checked the 2 url`s. Both came out with no issues so it is really (as I thought) a problem in the 120405-0 virus definition file.
le même problème ! je n’ai pas été sur ce site !!! comment faire pour ne plus avoir l’avertissement à tout bout de champ !!! merci :-\
Wondering if this was resolved using the cloud updates to the virus definitions because I no longer have the message (Avast still showing 120405-0 virus definitions).
I used to be able to show the error every time by asking for a reload of the RSS feeds but I has been unable to reproduce in the past 10 minutes?
If this is the case it is a great example of the benefits of being connected and using cloud updates.
I would say it has been resolved as a corrected FP, as the streaming updates can also be used to correct FPs as well as adding important virus definitions.