Avast 7.0.1426 false positive on RSS feed with 120405-0 virus definitions

This morning started to get these messages:

05.04.2012 14:09 NetworkShield http://rss.cyberpresse.ca/178.xml URL:Mal
05.04.2012 13:39 NetworkShield http://rss.lemonde.fr/c/205/f/3050/index.rss URL:Mal
05.04.2012 13:39 NetworkShield http://rss.cyberpresse.ca/178.xml URL:Mal
05.04.2012 13:24 NetworkShield http://rss.lemonde.fr/c/205/f/3050/index.rss URL:Mal
05.04.2012 13:24 NetworkShield http://rss.cyberpresse.ca/178.xml URL:Mal

Getting malware errors in Firefox 11.o with my 2 RSS feeds.

What is happening??

Using Avast Free Antivirus 7.0.1426 since it came out (with these RSS feeds) without any problems until this am.


You can report a possible false positive here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php
Selecct “Report false virus alert on website”
And check the website here: www.virustotal.com



Used the link provided to report FP.

Also went to Virustotal and checked the 2 url`s. Both came out with no issues so it is really (as I thought) a problem in the 120405-0 virus definition file.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:


Zscaler IP Reputation
IP address has been identified as risky by one/more sources


this is just wrong. These are 2 RSS feeds from reputable websites lemonde.fr and cyberpresse.ca of two well known newspapers (France and Canada).

le même problème ! http://rss.lemonde.fr/c/205/f/3050/index.rss je n’ai pas été sur ce site !!! comment faire pour ne plus avoir l’avertissement à tout bout de champ !!! merci :-\

Attend que Avast corrige les definitions de virus ou dans ton navigateur enleve le feed RSS pour Le Monde.

Wondering if this was resolved using the cloud updates to the virus definitions because I no longer have the message (Avast still showing 120405-0 virus definitions).

I used to be able to show the error every time by asking for a reload of the RSS feeds but I has been unable to reproduce in the past 10 minutes?

If this is the case it is a great example of the benefits of being connected and using cloud updates. :slight_smile:

I would say it has been resolved as a corrected FP, as the streaming updates can also be used to correct FPs as well as adding important virus definitions.

Some were added only minutes ago, see image.

comment j’enlève le bidule rss le monde ? je n’y connais rien :-[