avast 7 features r right here if u guys are sooo engrosed :D

hey guys check out wats avast 7 gonna have http://forum.avadas.de/threads/2994-avast this thing is in german so u have to translate it :slight_smile: i see avast 7 is really going to have some amazing features and looks like they are having… advanced heuristics scanning and analysis done in the sandbox when it detects suspicious or unknown files… avast 7 also comes with cloud protection and an improved behaviour shield :smiley: cant wait to test the final and beta version… i will b uploading the review on my channel in youtube.com/1234avast when the beta and final releases :smiley: enjoy! use chrome if u want translation with ease :smiley: soooooo excited

Sounds good, but I curious as to why this would show up on the German site first and not this one. ???

avastleaks? ???

Yep, looks like it to me.

Yes, it’s from the German Re-seller.
I met him back in 2009. :slight_smile:

From what i can read in my rusty german it appears as bits and bytes put together of all the stuff we know about avast! 7. I mean, some of us do have the inside info for certain things that weren’t otherwise publicaly disclosed. Nothing major, but the smalls tuff and explanations.
We’ll soon get more data considering the yearly release cycle is closing in…

From what i can read in my rusty german
The Google Translate plugin in Chrome makes that a snap. :)

The “Translate with Bing” accelerator in IE9 also works very well.

juz use chrome and u won’t have a problem on translation xD

Already mentioned. :o

are all these features included in free for avast! 7 especially the cloud technology?
how true is all this?

I know safe zone wont be in free edition…

Like the rest of us, we’ll soon find out when the beta testing starts. :slight_smile:

Thanks bob! i will go for the beta this time…

Will the Normal PRO/IS Sandbox be in Avast! 7 Free?

No, If you wan’t it, you’ll have to purchase the paid version.

the normal sandbox from the IS and pro versions in avast won’t be included in free version but definitely the cloud technology will be included… if not avast is losing quite a lot of its protection… :confused:

Interesting, but the list of ( new ) features of the Sandbox ( Pro and IS ) is far from complete. Also that browsers will start automaticly in the AutoSanbox is ofcource nonsense ; that should be in the Sandbox ( Pro and IS ) and I can confirm such an option. But that is all I can / am allowed to tell you.

Greetz, Red.

Someone starts to blow bubbles and everything gets way off course or out of proportion. ;D
Someone leaks some info and everybody jumps. The best way to keep something confidential is to tell no one else. ;D

Most of the new Avast features can be guessed even before reading about it 8)

What does it really matter, when avast 7 (beta or rtm) comes we will find out soon enough.

All the speculation, etc. is pretty pointless.