Avast 7 scan time is much slower

Avast 7 full system scan time is very slow. Scan time has more than doubled from 23 minutes to 49 minutes for 186665 files,18492 folders,and 46.4 GB of data tested.

Update. Setting the Scan Priority from High to Normal fixed the problem.

wouldn’t having the priority set to high make it faster? You should report this as a bug so they can fix it.

ohh dude thanks your a life saver thanks for the info btw if you want to speed up full scans make sure the persient cache is ticked and untick store data about scanned files in the persient chache :slight_smile:

Wrong ::slight_smile: tick both boxes so that once the cache is built it will remember those files which have been scanned and make future scan’s faster, my first scan with 7.0.1407 was 12 min’s and 2nd scan was 4 min’s.

Yes, me too. I 've updated Avast to version 7, scanning speed is slower than previous version
significantly. When I click mouse on a big file, system is often no response some seconds.
One of reasons make avast becomes popular is scanning speed. I hope this issue is a bug
and waiting for fixing soon. Otherwise, I must downgrade to version 6.

thanks for the correction :wink: avast should come default with that and i thought that ticking the second box slows down the scan?