Avast 7 will not let me remove anything from virus chest

The new version moved my old quicken program to the virus chest! Now when I go to the chest, right click and choose “restore”, nothing happens. I really need to access these files. Can anyone here give me some pointers?

Do you mean the quicken program is still in the virus chest? If yes, this is normal. Check if the program is in his original place.


Yes, it still shows in the virus chest, and I cannot open the program. I restarted my computer, and avast again alerted me that it was “a virus”, but I chose “allow” and it STILL put it in the virus chest, even though I told it NOT to! Really frustrating, I need to access this program NOW!

Which shield alerts you? File-System-Shield?


It is the “Behavior Shield Question” window. I restarted my PC once more, and when the window popped up, I chose “Allow and add to trusted programs” and NOW the problem is SOLVED! I was able to open my program. Whew. Thanks for trying to help. I hate upgrades to new version, seems like I have to re-learn everything.

But why does it still show in the virus chest? Seems counter-intuitive!

You can delete it from the virus chest. It doesn’t matter.


OK - I was afraid to delete it because in the help files for Virus Chest it says: “Delete - this will delete the file irreversibly i.e. it will not just be moved to the recycle bin.”
I think I will just leave it alone - LOL! Thanks for your help. Just having someone reply was a help. I tend to panic when my PC seems to have taken control of my programs!

The virus chest is a separate folder on your computer. Deleting the file will only delete the copy in the virus chest. The restored file will remain intact.

If you have restored the file before, it doesn’t matter. There allways will be a copy after restore.
If you have further questions then just ask :slight_smile:


OK - thanks again for the support DJBone and BTIsaac. I appreciate it, and I guess this thread can be marked solved. :slight_smile:

  1. You’re welcome :slight_smile:
  2. Then please modify the subject of your first post for example “solved Avast 7 will not…”
