AVAST 8 Beta

I like to download/test Avast version 8.
Where is this scanner available to download? :wink:

Replies are welcome, thanks in advance.

Best regards, Hermie

Sorry it’s not available to the public.

Thanks for your reply.
I’m not “public” so I wonder to whom it is available?

It’s a closed beta only available Evangelists at this time.

What version are the guys on Youtube using to review Avast 8 ?
Are you saying they are not genuine copies released for testing ???

Who is “you Guys” ??? I for one haven’t release any videos.
That will happen when the actual beta is released to any one who is willing to do beta testing.

If you have found it on Youtube or anywhere else for that matter it is a leaked version and not recommended to be used on anyone’s system as it is pre beta ( alpha if you like ) and could cause many problems, as it’s also a closed beta test we would be unable to offer any assistance for any issues that may arise from your use of it.

Thanks for info, i assumed avast had given their permission to test.
Sorry for any misunderstanding :slight_smile:

One should never a s s u m e. :slight_smile:

Thanks Bob for your replies.

Which features will Avast 8 have aboard making it special and #1 free scanner people prefer/choose?

You’re welcome and still fishing for answers we can’t supply. ;D

Hi Bob, where’s the fish gone? :wink:

avast! 8 Public beta, information and download links - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=114106.0.