Avast 8 won't accept license file since system restore, says unable to find file

I ran system restore this morning and restored my PC running Windows 7 SP1 64 bit to the state it was 3 days ago. Since doing this Avast says it has no license subscription. When I attempt to supply Avast 8 with the valid license file all it will say is unable to find file - which is rather unhelpful.

I have re-downloaded the license file and store it to both my license directory and my desktop - regardless of the location of the file the activation logic says its unable to find the file.

I have tried a full re-install - still same situation. Have raised a trouble ticket and read the support forums - seems to say how to store and find your license - not what to do if the find the license Open routine fails with a can’t find file location erroneous error.

Screen shot removed - now problem solved below by aswclear


Avasts self protection needs to be disabled before attempting a restore and if you search around the forum you’ll see this mentioned many times, this is also another reason to use system images rather than restore points as there much more reliable for many reasons other than just this problem.

You’ll need to use the removal tool http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility in safe mode to remove remnants of avast after first uninstalling normally, once the tool has been run you can reboot back to normal mode and install a fresh copy of the avast version you require and insert your license.

NOTE that you might want to remove your email information from the screen shot you took unless you want an attack of the spammers :wink:

Dear Craig,

Many thanks - that did the trick perfectly. E-mail address also removed thank you!

I don’t search around the avast forums regularly - and not before I do a system restore ever. So to use a system restore I have to first turn off avast self protection. Could inform me how that is achieved in Version 8 please (and does that need to be done in safe mode too)?



I’m glad it’s solved :slight_smile:

You turn it off in the avast settings, no it doesn’t need to be done in safe mode.

Sorry to be pedantic, but surely it’s called “Avast Self Defence Module” I was looking everywhere for self protection until I realised.

Regards Bizet

There one in the same :slight_smile: