Avast account - change e-mail

How can I change e-mail on my Avast account? I have registred it some years ago on my work mail, but now I will change my job and I want to migrate my account to my private mail (with all my history).

Hello Paba,

you can change your primary email under Manage Emails button:
Click your name or email in right upper corner (near log out button) and then Manage Emails

I hope that this will help you.

Thank you very much, it helped me…
But I must appologize, I meant not my-Avast account on my.avast.com but my “Avast account” into this forum. It was my mistake, I badly expressed. This account name is registred to my work-mail and I cannot find the way how to change it. I do not want change this name, but only e-mail for sending messages which I cannot change also. I want migrate account, not create new one.

******** Cz version ****
Dobrý den, omlouvám jsem, měl jsem na mysli hlavně účet do diskuzního fóra. Tam e-mail v minulosti změnit nešel, šlo mi o zjištění zda nedošlo v této oblasti k nějakému pokroku? Název účtu fóra je totožný jako mail, ten by mohl zůstat ale adresu pro zasílání zpráv bych potřeboval změnit. Kvůli historii účtu jsem nechtěl založit nový, ale přemigrovat ten původní.

my.avast.com and forum.avast.com are the same now. My avast change password and manage emails will be integrated into the form as well, but changing it my.avast.com will propagate it to forum.avast.com immediately.

You are right, thank you. I was a little impatient, when I changed e-mail at my.avast.com. Now I see that e-mail is changed in my forum`s profile.