avast account not loading

i log into my account and the log in is successful.but the account page is not loading,just timing out

this is happening to me too

This is also a problem for me as well. I have tried multiple browsers and computers. The Login in to your account section within Avast Internet Security is also giving me errors when trying to access my licenses/subscriptions on all of my PC’s.

I have the same issue. Thought it was just me, but looks like I’m not the only one.

Same here and it won’t update my license

Same here, same situation.

same here

Hi guys, I forwarded it…

my.avast.com redirects to https://subscriptions.avast.com/ which is not working.
It has been reported. Sometimes the weekend gets in the way of a quick fix … :slight_smile:

Hi, thank you all for raising that issue. Really appreciated. Hopefully, it works now, after our infrastructure fix. For sure we must improve our alerting/monitoring system to cover also partial (GEO specific) outages…

https://my.avast.com/en-us/ is still not working.
