Hi Everyone,
I seem to be having a problem with my Avast Account. The account page says that I’m not secure, with all shields inactive and my laptop offline. In reality, my shields are all active and my system is online. Both the Avast User interface page, the taskbar button, and the Windows 10 security settings both tell me I am protected. Any way to resolve conflict? Any answers, ideas, links, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Repair Avast:
Control Panel> Program and Features (Add/remove program)>Select Avast> Select Repair. Reboot when completed
If Repair doesn’t fix the problem, try the following:
Clean Install of Avast:
Thanks for the response Bob! I actually fixed the problem by logging in to the website and seeing the list of my devices. For some reason, it had my laptop listed 3 times, along with my desktop. I deleted all 3 listings of my laptop, logged out and rebooted. I then logged in again, and this time it showed my laptop only once and active. I don’t know why it was listed 3 times in the first place, but it appears to be fine now.
Not always the case that your device will be automatically removed in avast accounts when a re-install or clean install is done using a device already registered. Sounds as if more than one install on the same device was done earlier, hence the multiple device notations of the same device?
In any case glad you got it sorted out.
Hello, for some reason a similar problem occurs on my side: On a laptop I’m listed as online and the device is connected to my account, but while it on the machine says I’m protected, the website does not and is now 2 days behind the status (but says the device is online). There’s no “reboot required” pending (after a big update for example) or similar.
Should I disconnect it from my account and reconnect? Because its the only device not showing proper status.
If you wish to have this device listed only once suggest removing the old one after you’ve reconnected your new version av on laptiop. You’ll be able to decide which by which is listed correctly.