Avast account problem


I can’t loggin in my avast account. I use mail forum.

Have a nice day!

Please HELP i cann’t loggin in my avast account. I registered but I can’t loggin…please HELP.

I recive this messege: This email is already in use. I never creat an account, I registered to Avast FREE product.

Have a nice day!

In the avastUI at the top right, there is ‘Account’ if you have an account and your avast is connected to it, see image, click to expand.

Can you see that (if so) what happens if you click it ?
It should show the email address for that account, if I click that email address it takes me to my account page.


I see that, but when I click it it’s redirect me to https://my.avast.com/en-eu/ where I need to login, I don’t have the password, only the mail.When I click to create new account I recive this messege: “This email is already in use”.


Have a nice day!

Then use the ‘Recover password here’ link as trying to create a new account using the same email address would be denied.


Thanks David. I do that, but:(pictures)

I haven’t had to do this process, so I’m not sure how it is meant to work.

Me I would have expected and email being sent to your email address with a link to reset the password. That said that screen is reasonable, but at the very least not very secure as someone who knows your email address could change your password.

That is why I would have expected you to receive an email (?) as you should be the only one expecting it and able to receive it. Then a link in that email to take you to a similar screen to what you posted to add the new changed email.

I’m somewhat confused by the “Passwords are not the same.” to me that implies that you have entered the new password twice and the second doesn’t match the first. since there are no ********* obfuscated password symbols in the two fields. Did you actually enter a new password in both fields and were they the same (capital characters are different to lower case characters I believe) ?

If the answer to all of this is that you did enter the new passwords, etc. etc. it may well be easier to create a new account, but that would require using a different email address.


David thanks!

I resolve the problem. I don’t read carefully the instructions.

Have a nice day!

You’re welcome.