avast! Ad blocker gone on Internet Security edition

Hi there,
I used avast! Free Anti-virus and there’s a feature of Ad blocker, but after I upgrade to Internet Security edition of avast! My Ad blocker installed on my PC was gone.
Is Ad blocker is not available on Internet Security edition? When we say Internet Security, it secures browsing pages on Internet but why there’s no Ad blocker available on Internet Security?

If this feature is not available to avast! Internet Security edition, where can I download the official avast! Ad blocker plugin/extension?

The Ad-Blocker has been dropped.

Why it is discontinued? avast! Ad blocker helps web pages to load faster and to hide unwanted advertisements on the website.

Sorry, IDK.

I feel that it has been renamed rather than dropped.

left-click the ‘a’ icon (default top-right for google chrome and firefox) → ensure that ‘Ad Tracking allowed’ is checked to block ads.

What is an advert? ;D

I use MVPS Hosts Files , keeps so much garbage off your system and prevents you visiting a lot of harmful stuff.

For the odd advert that gets through Ghostery, or AdBlock Plus will do nicely.

All the ad blocker on avast was, was adblock plus 1.0. Just go to adblockplus.org and download adblock plus 1.1. You could also use adfender which IMO is better.