Avast! adblocker

Hello everyone !! :smiley:

I have formatted my pc & after RE-installing avast 9 free,
I can’t see any adblocker of avast in my browsers (IE,Chrome,Firefox).

There is no other adblockers installed.

So my question is how to enable adblocker as it was earlier on my browsers.

These ad are making my life hell & are too much annoying.

I also have enabled :“Enable reputation services” to no effect, just webrep showing up.

plz help !!! :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :cry:

i’m old user of avast.

Thanks for your support & suggestions as well as your time in advance. :slight_smile: :smiley:

avast doesn’t have a add blocker.
It has the AOS that can block trackers.

That adblocker was basically a test. They removed it afterwards. You can use Adblock Plus or Adblock Edge if you want one…


Sorry to say that, but avast does have avast! Ad blocker !!! 8)

SS is attached which i have from my other desktop pc.


But I do want one of the avast its the best in the segment !!! :slight_smile: ;D 8)
how can i get it then ???

It is time to update avast on that system.
avast really doesn’t have a add blocker anymore.

@ Eddy

hey bro !!!
I do have latest updates of avast !!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

checkout the SS :wink: ;D


The avast adblocker (“Powered by AdBlock PLUS”) was available for a while, as part of avast 8. If you had this adblocker on your system, and then installed 2014 (without running the avast8 removal tool to fully eradicate its folders), you might find — as I did — that this old plug-in “survived” the update process. So that’s why, under a current 2014 version, you may still find the adblocker on your system. But on your reformatted system, for which there was a “clean” installation of 2014, the avast adblocker won’t be there. However, it’s a simple-enough matter to download/install the full AdBlock Plus program https://adblockplus.org

[Note: There are separate versions for each of the supported browsers. So for example, if you use both IE and FF, you’ll have to download two versions of AdBlock Plus.]

Hi, we ceased to provide avast! AdBlock because it was draining our (human) resources and provided barely any additional value over classic Adblock Plus. Thus we decided to let it go and focus on other things.

@ky331 & drake127

Thanx guys for solving my problem !!! :smiley:

I got around the problem !!!

Now I have avast adblock on my reformatted system tooo !! ;D ;D 8)

Cheers & thanx avast team for prompt replies :slight_smile:

Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/avast-online-security/gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki?hl=en
Firefox - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/avast-online-security/
Opera - https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/avast-online-security/?display=en