Avast alarm BufferZone Pro Malware 3.41?

Installing Program BufferZone Pro 3.41 Avast alarm and abort the installation, the software downloaded www.trustware.com. Does Avast close, and then install?

VirusTotal - BufferZoneProFree.msi - 2/42

Avast detects this as Win32:WinVNCbased-F because it is looks upon it as a RAT (Remote Administration Trojan),
because VNC is a Remote Administration program often used to remote into other systems, and
may have come in on the back of other malware…this type can be a slight modification of an older type,
as the program could be considered a “risktool” for those that have not installed it intentionally,
the downloadsite is clean: sucuri scan for /http//wXw.trustware.com/ gives an all green…status:
Site verified to be secure and free of malware.
web trust: Site not blacklisted; also found clean here: http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/trustware.com
and safe here: http://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=trustware.com
and here: http://www.webutation.net/go/review/trustware.com


P.S. Pondus - reanalyze the virustotal.scan - it now only has the avast detection of this “risktool” find…
so -Result: 1 /41 (2.4%)