Hey there supporters of Avast.
I have not been playing freelancer for years, and decieded to see if it still was active.
And to my surprice, its in fact very active.
Now microsoft servers has closed down their servers, so its all now player based servers.
As this topic is about, cannot connect, its no surprice i found this post by searching in your forum before i wanted to post my issue.
For some reason, this has not been solved, and im having the same problems as the others in here have.
I could not run freelancer with avast installed, and i was very confused, coz i could see the server was active, and with players in it, but i could not join?
I did post an forum to the freelancer team and they told me that its my virus protector and it would not even help to disable it, by i needed to trash it.
I could hardly believe it, but figured i might as well try, i could allways install avast again if they where wrong.
but sadly, they where right, disable avast was not enough, i had to completly remove it.
then i was able to join their servers, i find that very disturbing leaving my computer unprotected, and taking in consideration, that avast was the winner of being the 2nd best virus protector in the world, i was very surpriced to see this.
And this is why i make this post. I want freelancer to work with avast, as prolly many others prolly want.
Here is the link to the freelancer team i was talking about, and how they see the issue.
U dont need to be member to see this post, but maybe, i dont know if it could help or not.
I have not tryed to turn down the shield, but as other in here did write, it did not help, but ill give it a go later when i get home. but as faar as i know, this is the only game who has an issue with avast.
with best regards.