Avast and MikTex update

I am using Avast Premier (after two months my two-year subscription will finish). Many times I see that the update process of MikTex system does not finish correctly and shows errors (and from this time update MikTex program does not work at all). If I switch off Avast before updating then the update process is OK. Some times I forget to switch off Avast and then need to repair MikTex. My PC has Windows 7 Prof.

I do not know how to avoid this situation and therefore I will find another antivirus program.

Are you using the latest version of Avast ???

Version is latest - 12.3.2280 (build 12.3.3154.23). May be, Avast doesn’t allow to replace some files (this was in XP)?

Maybe someone more familiar with XP can help you.
I haven’t used it for many years.

No, at this time this happens with Windows 7 prof. As I remember, the similar problem was in XP (a long time ago all was ok, but from some time this problem appeared, also with Avast Free version). May be Avast forbids replacing of some files during update process?

Hello dobr,
does avast shows some message during MiKTeX update? Can you attach avast logs (zip whole directory “c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log” ), please?


It seems that this is a bug of MikTex (see MikTex cite). I noticed that if Avast is off, then there is no the problem. Sorry to trouble you.