Avast and MS Outlook conflict each other?


Avast+Windows XP sp1+MS Outlook

Recently, I found Avast and MS Outlook conflict each other:

When I receiving emails by Outlook and if there is a virus in an email, I got warning from Avast. Follow its suggestion I clicked ‘Delete’ button two times in two windows, OK, but the third window appeared and said ‘Suspicous Message!’ with 3 buttons: ‘Delete’, ‘Continue’ and ‘Block it’. quite often, only ‘Continue’ and ‘Block it’ can be clicked and after clicked any one of them, my Windows XP stopped for a few minutes…sometimes even need to switch off the power(cannot do restart).

Any idea?

I suggest you first make sure that your system is up to date.
Visit the WINDOWS UPDATE SITE and keep going there till ALL security patches/updates are installed.

Are you using Outlook or Outlook Express?
What are the mail scanner settings in Avast?

I am using MS Outlook, not Outlook Express.
I didn’t set anything for Avast…maybe I need to have a look?

Make sure the avast plugin is not disabled into MS Outlook:
Outlook 2003 > Help > About > Disabled items
Outlook 2000 > Tools menu > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Add-In Manager.

Outlook 2003 > Help > About > Disabled items ← No such item :frowning:

Outlook 2000 > Tools menu > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Add-In Manager.
Yes, I found avast! 4 is checked. Is that the correct situation?

If you use Outlook 2000 and avast!, yes, that’s correct, avast! is protecting you.
The first alarm you’ve seen, ‘Suspicous Message’, could be configurated into the two Heuristic tab settings.

Did you mean I wrongly configurated something for Avast! ? What are the two Heuristic tab settings ?

I remember they worked together fine about one mouth ago.

No. It seems all right.

Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, in the pop-up window choose the MS Outlook plugin at left and then click on Configure.
There will be two tabs of settings about Heristics.
More detailed info on these settings are on help file 8)


Thanks a lot.

I had a look:
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon,
in the pop-up window choose Outlook/Exchange (is this what you meant by ‘MS Outlook plugin’?),
and then click on Customize… (is thi what you meant by ‘Configure’?).
There are 8 tabs (why you said only two tabs?)


Yes. Sorry, the translation from my language to English is not always correct.

Because you’re talking about Heuristic and not other things.

I am sorry. I just cannot find where is the information about the ‘Suspicous Message’ window and how to configue the two Heuristic tab settings.

The info about this settings is on the help file. You can browse for the Internet Mail provider and Outlook/Exchange plugin.
There are explanations of all settings.
Not all ‘Suspicious Messages’ are infected, some of them could considered just ‘suspicious’ according of the settings of the Heuristic analysis: too many blank spaces, attachments with double extensions, no subject mail, etc. etc.

Thanks a lot. I am goint to have a look now.
According to what you said, I can only set what emails should be think to be suspicious. However, when got any suspicious email, my windowsXP may still be stopped.
You don’t think that is a bug, something I missing or something in my WindowsXP?

When you download emails, avast! will analyse them according of what you’ve set to be a suspicious email.
I can’t understand what you’ve said: However, when got any suspicious email, my windowsXP may still be stopped. ::slight_smile:

Sorry, I didn’t explain clearly. Let me try again:

If Avast! find some suspicious emails (according to what I set), it will display 3 small windows one by one.
I will clicked ‘Delete’ button in the first window, then
I will clicked also ‘Delete’ button in the second window.
In the third window, the ‘Suspicous Message!’ window, I can click ‘Continue’ button or ‘Block it’ button. However, on cliking any one of them, my Windows XP stopped for a few minutes…sometimes even need to switch off the power(cannot do restart).
So, my Windows XP will crash whenever Avast! find virus in coming email in MS Outlook.

No, it should show you just one window…, i.e., it should ask only one.
Are you sure it wasn’t three diferent emails?
Are you using any spam killer? If so, maybe one question is for it and another for your email client…

No, it shouldn’t… ::slight_smile:

Yes, 3 windows one by one.
All 3 windows come from Avast! and the information are different in 3 windows.
Only for one email!!!

No spam killer in my XP.

I asked for official help… I receive two warnings: one for spamihilator and other for avast.
I can’t disable the spam killer (at avast4.ini file [IgnoreProcess] value) because, this way, iPush updates of avast! do not work for me :cry:

What is the sensitivity of the STANDARD SHIELD provider in avast?