AVAST and Network

I installed avast on network driver now but it cannot load services for “On-Access Protection Control”.

I have not much place on my computer so I installing most of programs on my file server.

What should I do and how?

avast home/pro is not a network solution, it is for use on a stand alone PC. So if your file server is running a server OS it won’t work. If it is running a Personal OS then it will only protect the system it is on and not others using the files stored on the file server.

HDDs are very affordable now and a relatively easy upgrade to add a second HDD that may well be an easier solution to what you are trying.

Computer where avast was installed is Windowx XP SP2
and file server i linux.

I mapped shared folder from linux to drive K: in windows.
Created folder named AVAST and installed avast on K:\AVAST\

But avast is not running.

I know that it is better to use local, but my computer is running on 2 seagate 10GB xbox disks.
so I have not much place for other. Those disks is fast enough for me. and is takes about 10-20 sec to load.

Most of place is used by test and experimental software.

hej MrBabis, i’d say avast! service is loaded during windows loading but your K: drive is not still mapped at the moment; i guess we cannot do much… var inte ond på oss