a) Yes, it works even better and it will not hang your computer as Norton does. Norton is largest system hog of all. This is Simple…
b) I want to put avast on my PC but it already has nortons antivirus and 6 months left on subscription. Will I encounter any problems by loading avast as well but don't run both at the same time.
I cant convince my dad to completely uninstall 1 for the other because avast is freeware and he is suspicious of this
Yes, you will… you’ll get yourself unbelievable headaches and additional problems. Two antiviruses on the same machine, with resident protection enabled, never worked fine.
As far as your father’s thinking goes… it’s totally wrong I have to say… first of all - avast! IS NOT freeware. avast! is professional antivirus tool with one of the best test results out there. Good thing is, avast! HAS freeware version, for all those that are unable to spend lots of money for antivirus products. Also, there is technical support through e-mail, phone and these forums, completely free of charge. Where else will your father get that ? Simply said - Nowhere.
So, I’ve seen many people with even few months left of Norton subscription, abandoned that “prehistoric mammoth” because of some other good antivirus tools. I’m not saying like some fanatic, that avast! is best of the best out there, but for sure, it’s wonderful product with wonderful future. It gets better and better with every single program update. Antivirus definitions are updated on daily basis, so it tells something as well. So, if I paid for Norton, and I still have 6 months of subscription, and I found out that it’s not working as it should and as I expected for the money I gave… best of all, if I found much better protection and nothing like that system hog, I’ll uninstall it completely and go with the other one… what’s the use of already wasted money, and large system hog installed on my system, that even doesn’t catch all those viruses out there. Norton sounds powerful, just because it’s so long time out there on the market, and most people don’t know anything about antivirus products, and worst of all, they don’t even bother to learn about those, but they’ve heard from their friends about Norton. It’s easy to remember, that way very easy to recommend to other people… that way, it’s easy to spread it…
Of course, at the end, it’s up to you and your father…
Cheers !
Edit: in case you two decide to uninstall Norton and try with avast!, please come back to this forum again… why ? Because it’s not so easy to get rid of Norton completely, and that will give you additional problems when installing another antivirus. Norton “sticks” to your system like glue (another bad attribute), so you have to make sure you performed proper Norton uninstallation prior to installing another antivirus. Just come back, we’ll lead you through that process…