Avast and Opera / M2

I use Opera and their mail client M2 - but my wife uses IE (well Avant) and OE on the same PC.

I have not manually set up Avast to work with M2 (although it still warns of viruses if I am stupid enough to open strange attachments !) because I don’t know if this would override the auto settings for OE within Avast ?

Can I get Avast to work properly with both OE and M2 ??

Can I get Avast to work properly with both OE and M2 ??

Yes you can but you have to setup M2 manually. :wink:

Yes I know that … but how do I do it without screwing up the OE settings ??? ???

Enter these informations into M2 Accounts:

POP3 server: localhost
Username: username#pop.your-isp.net
Password: your_password

SMTP server: localhost
Username: username#smtp.your-isp.net
Password: your_password

Mail protection for Opera 7.51 could be easily integrated since account settings are nicely stored in INI file inside Opera folder.

Sweet RejZor !!

Even get the “message clean” message appended my mails !!

Many thanks :slight_smile: