Hi guys first time poster in this forum.
I wonder if anyone can shed some light in resolving the following problem that I am getting with Avast.
I am running Avast v4.7.844 with Win98SE on a rig that has an AMD 1.8Ghz cpu & 512Mb DDR ram
In short the problem(s) appears to be ‘memory’ related which I will detail below.
Intermittently when Avast is running a scan, Win98 will freeze ie the system has locked up. This does not happen every time nor have I noticed that it happens more on any particular setting ie ‘Standard’ or ‘Thorough’
When a scan does complete, the icons on the ‘quick launch tool bar’ will disappear. It is only the picture on the icons that is not their. If I move the mouse pointer over where the icon are/where I can still click on them and the prog will open.
Immediately after running an Avast scan, if I attempt to do a ‘scandisk’, Win98SE will display an error message to the effect that there is not enough memory to do this and to close down some progs.
Under issues 2 and 3, if I reboot then ‘quick launch toolbar’ icons return back to normal and scandisk can operate perfectly.
Now I run a RAM defragmenter program which loads and sits in the system tray. When I boot Win98SE, this prog shows that (at boot) the system has about 300-320Mb of available ram.
When the Avast scan is running and finishes, the available ram (as shown by my ram progs) falls to about 1-5Mb. This of course is normal and the previous AV prog which I ran did the same thing.
What I normally do after a full system virus scan is defrag the ram (by using my prog) and the system memory returns to about 280Mb.
Problem 3 ie scandisk error persists even if ram is defragmented (also the icons do not reappear).
These problems, to me, point to some form of ram issue.
I have tried to find some form of answer by searching these forums. I discovered that users of Win98SE where getting various problems with version >build 844. I have also looked through the Avast.ini post but cannot see what could be altered to correct the issues I am getting.
I am pondering whether I should edit the system.ini file in Win98SE by way of adding Min/MaxFileCache entries.
I wonder if anyone has any ideas as to how to move forward from here either by tweaking my version of Avast, using a previous version or indeed whether there are any Win98Se tweaks that I have overlooked.
Apologies for the long post.
Many thanks for any info which you can provide