I use Avast on my old Win98 machine with no problem. I am thinking of using it on my new XP machine but want to know if anyone has tried Avast with Service Pack 2 and whether it works. I have read that SP2 may well disable a fair number of programs
Not Avast. Please do a search on SP2 and you’ll find many replies.
do you have a 64bit AMD processor? avast has trouble with SP2 if you run a 64 bit AMD
Thanks for the replys, no I don’t have an AMD 64 processor. It is an AMD 2600 processor but still the old 32 bit architecture.
Avast works well on Win98, WinMe and Win2000 among the more common versions.
Service pack 2 is running on one of my machines with Avast. No problems at all.
There are no problems i have installed the avast pro version and have tested it with the beta version xp sp2 and there none problemes.