Avast AntiTheft worry with SMS remote Control

Hi, i have Worries with Avast (the Antitheft module) :

For time being it’s installed not rooted , with Kitkat Custom Rom base on CM11(CyanKitkat 1.0) it seems to work correctly except “the Remote Sms Module” since it’s needeed with KitKAt O.S

the sms test “sent sms to the friend list” doesnt work(neither the sms command locate/block etc) , i doubled check the phone number to receive that sms(tested with /with out +33 international code/also with 0033)
while that time sms/&mms are working perfectly in both ways, in the messaging appls

I was wandering if it was a question of hexadecimal encoding(PDU something… no?) for the phone number somewhere in kitkat/rom, i am using or if the worry is coming from Avast
I use the ##4636## command in order to see current SMSC number used, and it’s the right one’in decimal +336xxxxxxxx) for my Network provider and internet acces also is working 3g and Wifi

ps: Note i use a recent Provider in France(FreeMobile) /Before Kitkat,it was working perfectly with StockRom 2.33 (Note, at that time Remote SMS wasnt necessary )

ps2: Another question, when i tried to install the root version of avast, the choices for recovery creating/installation were Jelly Bean/Gingerbread(or Froyo?)/3rd option, Is JB oneit safe/working for kitkat rooted devices ?

thanks in advance