Hi! I have been observing Avast Antivirus Engine Server(Aswengsrv.exe) process memory usage and it’s way higher than it used to be since mid november 2023;
on pc boot it consumes up to 150MB of memory, while in the past it consumed max 75MB
it hogs 210MB+ of memory daily while in the past it hogged max 130MB, never went above that mark
I’m assuming that’s not normal behavior, I tried uninstalling/reinstalling and repairing Avast already nothing works sadly.
Avast version: 24.1.6099 - build. 24.1.8821.762
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I never had any issues with Avast before, but this issue started around mid november last year and it keeps getting worse each month.
WOW are you that short of memory 204.4 MB (I think the comma 204,4MB in your image is confusing), and you only have 90% of your memory available.
That said mine is only 86.6, see attached, but look at the real memory usage by your browser (whichever it is), mine, Firefox is using 1,086.7 MB now that’s what I call a lot, but I have 8GB of RAM. Still not much in the greater scheme of things.
Now I can’t understand anything. Some times the consumption seems high, and others seem like the consumption is high, does anyone have any explanation? about this?
For the figures that are being talked about here, 204 MB is crazy. When the total memory in use is for everything in the Task Manager figures is only 10% so there is 90% available for use. Just compare that 204MB against what you browser is using when running.
Memory is there to be used and the sum being discussed is miniscule in the greater scheme of things.
My browser is open basically all of the time and there are multiple tabs pinned and open and it uses the lions share of RAM, am I worried about, no! My browser activity is going to be scanned by Avast and raise its memory usage. RAM is there to be used or things would be much slower.
Even at his reported high 204 MB is miniscule in the greater scheme of things, e.g. total memory. As I said memory is there to be used 204MB out of whatever the total is.
Windows startup is a time when there is a lot of activity going on, so it wouldn’t be unexpected to be more active, but even so 204MB I wouldn’t say is excessive. Programs change, updates, etc. and what the Process does could also have an impact on that figure.